This Great Symbol: Pierre De Coubertin and the Origins of the Modern Olympic Games.

von MacAloon, John J.:

MacAloon, John J.:
Auflage: First Edition First Printing
Verlag / Jahr
University of Chicago Press, 05.1981.
Format / Einband
Original cloth with dustjacket. 373 p.
ca. 450 g
In very good condition. - Contents -- List of Plates Preface -- Introduction: Laocoon -- Noble Works, Glorious Examples, Generous Sacrifices Prouesse and Patronage The End of the Notables The Heritage of the Jesuits A World of Contingent Opportunity -- The Vision at Rugby Chapel An England of Frenchmen Peregrinations through the Public Schools The Arnold Imago -- The Whole Sum of Schoolboy Existence -- Athletic Education -- Frédéric Le Play and the Société d'Economie Sociale The Black Menhir The Comité Jules Simon -- The Olympic Idea America, 1889 -- True Tests and Living Pictures: The Exposition Tradition The Hour Had Struck -- The Mighty Working of a Symbol: From Idea to Organization The U.S.F.S.A. -- The Sorbonne Congress The Conquest of Greece -- An Indescribable Spectacle Fever in Waiting -- The Heaving Heart of the Multitude -- Engine Loues Endgames -- Conclusion: Flags and Flowers Notes -- Bibliography - Index. ISBN 9780226500003
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This Great Symbol: Pierre De Coubertin and the Origins of the Modern Olympic Games.

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