Nietzsche's Gay science : dancing coherence.

von Langer, Monika M.:

Langer, Monika M.:
Verlag / Jahr
Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Format / Einband
Originalpappband. XVIII, 275 S.
ca. 450 g
As new - Introduction -- The Gay Science is among Nietzsche's most remarkable and significant works. In his "Translator's Introduction" Walter Kaufmann called it "one of Nietzsche's most beautiful and important books". Richard Schacht declared "for one interested in Nietzsche as philosoper, Die Fröhliche [sic.] Wissenschaft (The Gay Science) is without question one of his finest, most illuminating, and most important published works". He added: "If there is any one of his published works in which 'the essential philosophical Nietzsche' is to be found, it would seem to me to be this one."1 More recently, David Allison said The Gay Science is one of "Nietzsche's most celebrated and widely read texts". He pointed out Nietzsche regarded it as his most personal work, and it contains virtually all his major philosophical themes. Allison said of all Nietzsche's texts, The Gay Science "is probably his most important".2 -- The Gay Science is clearly central to Nietzsche's philosophy. Yet so far there has not been a book to help the reader grapple with its complexity, from the opening Preface to the concluding Appendix of songs. My book seeks to meet that need. There has been a heightened interest in The Gay Science, thanks largely to Ruth Abbey's Nietzsche's Middle Period, Kathleen Higgins' Cotnic Relief: Nietzsche's Gay Science, and David Allison's Reading the New Nietzsche: The Birth of Tragedy, The Gay Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and On the Genealogy of Morals.3 To indicate how my book differs from these, it is worth summarizing Abbey's, Higgins', and Allison's respective approaches. -- Ruth Abbey argues the works of his middle period (Human, All Too Human, "Assorted Opinions and Maxims", "The Wanderer and His Shadow", Daybreak, and the first four Books of The Gay Science) reveal a Nietzsche who is "more careful", "more open", less individualist, "less extreme", and more productively engaged with the philosophical tradition than in his later writings. Abbey maintains the middle period works provide a superior inquiry into the psyche's complexity. Moreover, they "realize more fully some of Nietzsche's own values, such as self-reflexive criticism, antidogmatism, openness to possibilities", and sensitivity to becoming, contingency, and construction. ISBN 9780230580695
Nietzsche, Friedrich: Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, Philosophie
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