East Asian Lacquer: Material Culture, Science and Conservation.

von Rivers, Shayne, Rupert Faulkner and Boris Pretzel (eds.):

Rivers, Shayne, Rupert Faulkner and Boris Pretzel (eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Archetype Publications Ltd., 2011.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover. XII, 228 Seiten / p., Abb.
ca. 1180 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar / a good and clean copy - Contents -- Foreword -- List of Contributors -- Material Culture -- Out of touch: on the sensorial in the historical interpretation of Japanese lacquer Christine M.E. Guth -- Maritime trade in Asia and the circulation of lacquerware -- Kaori Hidaka -- How many ‘Mazarin Chests’ were there? Julia Hutt -- Two boxes and two balustrades: private orders for fine Japanese export lacquer -- Cynthia Vialle -- Japanese lacquer in eighteenth-century Europe: status and value - market price of craftsmanship and the canon of the grand arts -- Monika Bincsik -- Maki-e production of the mid-Edo period as seen through historical European collections -- Meiko Nagashima -- Science and Conservation -- Developing a methodology for the artificial ageing of urushi and a preliminary examination of urushi--based conservation options -- Brenda Keneghan -- Solvent effects on East Asian lacquer ( Toxicodendron vernicifluum ) -- Carolyn McSharry, Rupert Faulkner, Shayne Rivers, Milo S.P. Shaffer and Tom Welton -- ( Toxicodendron vernicifluum ) -- Stress measurement in East Asian lacquer thin films due to changes in relative humidity using phase shifting interferometry -- Adel E. Elmahdy, Pablo D. Ruiz, Ricky D. Wildman, Jonathan M. Huntley and Shayne Rivers -- A methodology for modelling the mechanical response of lacquer ( urushi ) under varying environmental conditions -- Xinyi Liu, Adel E. Elmahdy, Ian A. Ashcroft and Ricky D. Wildman -- New evidence for the use of Southeast Asian raw materials in seventeenth-century Japanese export lacquer -- Arlen Heginbotham and Michael Schilling -- Delamination and flaking of East Asian export lacquer coatings on wood substrates -- Nanke Schellmann -- Construction methods of Japanese writing boxes ( suzuribako ) -- Stacy Bowe and Blythe McCarthy -- The effects of consolidation on the appearance of powdery pigmented Japanese lacquer surfaces -- Catherine Coueignoux -- The autofluorescence of Asian lacquer -- Marianne Webb -- Japanese lacquered armour in context: cross-sectional analysis as an aid for appraisal -- Jamie Hood -- An investigation into the cleaning of red lacquer ( urushi ) -- Emma Schmuecker -- The French connection: developing a conservation treatment plan for eighteenth-century Chinese lacquer panels adapted for an American Beaux Arts-style house -- Charles J. Moore -- A cornucopia of carving techniques: an analysis and treatment of a Qing dynasty lacquered screen Suzanna Shaw -- Light-induced deterioration of urushi, maki-e and nashiji decoration -- Yoshihiko Yamashita and Shayne Rivers -- Conservation of the photodegraded surface of the Mazarin Chest -- Yoshihiko Yamashita and Shayne Rivers. ISBN 9781904982609
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East Asian Lacquer: Material Culture, Science and Conservation.

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