The Price Guide to 18th Century English Porcelain.

von Spero, Simon:

Spero, Simon:
Verlag / Jahr
Suffolk: The Antique Collector's Club, 1970.
Format / Einband
Hardcover with dust jacket. 448 p.
ca. 450 g
Schutzumschlag leicht berieben und leicht angeschmutzt, Buchschnitt teilweise stockfleckig, beiliegend Price Revision List / Dust jacket lightly rubbed and slightly soiled, book edges partly foxed, enclosed Price Revision List. - FOREWORD The Antique Collectors’ Club, formed in 1966, pioneered the provision of information on prices for collectors. The Club’s monthly magazine Antique Collecting was the first to tackle the complex problems of describing to collectors the various features which can influence prices. In response to the enormous demand for this type of information the Price Guide Series was introduced in 1968 with The Price Guide to Antique Furniture, a book which broke new ground by illustrating the more common types of antique furniture, the sort that collectors could buy in shops and at auctions, rather than the rare museum pieces which had previously been used (and still to a large extent are used) to make up the limited amount of illustrations in books published by commercial publishers. Many other price guides have followed, all copiously illustrated, and greatly appreciated by collectors for the valuable information they contain, quite apart from prices. Club membership, which is open to all collectors, costs £6.95 per annum. Members receive free of charge Antique Collecting, the Club’s monthly magazine, which contains well-illustrated articles dealing with the practical aspects of collecting not normally dealt with by magazines. Prices, features of value, investment potential, fakes and forgeries are all given prominence in the magazine. In addition members buy and sell among themselves; the Club charges a nominal fee for introductions but takes no commission. Since the Club started many thousands of antiques have been offered for sale privately. No other publication contains anything to match the long list of items for sale privately which appears monthly. The presentation of useful information and the facility to buy and sell privately would alone have assured the success of the Club, but perhaps the feature most valued by members is the ability to make contact with other collectors living nearby. Not only do members learn about the other branches of collecting but they make interesting friendships. The Club organises weekend seminars and other meetings. As its motto implies, the club is an amateur organisation designed to help collectors to get the most out of their hobby; it is informal and friendly and gives enormous enjoyment to all concerned. / Some examples: Vase c.1762-65. Height 13in. gold anchor mark £450-650; Saucerdish c.1755-58, Diameter 8 1/2 in. no mark £140-190; Sauceboat c.1758-60, Length 5 3/4 in. No mark £80-100; Coffee Pot c.1775-78, Height 8 1/4 in. cross mark £120-160; Bowl c.1755-60, Height 4 1/2 in. no mark £200-260. ISBN 9780902028067
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The Price Guide to 18th Century English Porcelain.

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