The Rise and Fall of Latin Humanism in Early-Modern Russia. Pagan Authors, Ukrainians, and the Resiliency of Muscovy. By Max J. Okenfuss.

von Okenfuss, Max J.:

Okenfuss, Max J.:
Brill's Studies in Intellectual History. Gen. Ed.: A.J. Vanderjagt.
Verlag / Jahr
E.J. Brill; Leiden, New York, Köln, 1995.
Format / Einband
VI; 290 Seiten; 24,5 cm; fadengeh., goldgepr. Orig.-Leinenband m. illustr. OUmschlag.
ca. 650 g
Gutes Exemplar; der Umschlag etwas berieben; 2 Seiten stw. minimal fleckig. - Englisch. - The Rise and Fall of Latin Humanism in Early-Modern Russia argues that, between 1650 and 1789, Russia flirted with Western Europe's Latin Humanism. However, all levels of society, especially the nobility, consistently rejected the pagan authors of Latinate culture, propagated by the Ukrainian clergy. An examination of the printing industry, of Latin teaching, of private libraries in Russia, and excursions into the thought of Russia's "enlighteners," demonstrate that Latin authors had little impact on Russia and its noblity that was traditionally regarded as the advocate of Western educational and cultural values. The book contributes to our understanding of the reforms of Peter the Great, of Catherine's "enlightened" reputation, of the origins of the intelligentsia, and of the cultural ties between Russians and the peoples they annexed in early modern times. (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Introduction ---- A Moving Target. ---- Principal Questions and Methods. ---- Contexts and Acknowledgements. ---- Chapter One: Book Culture in Muscovy ---- Humanism and Book Culture in the 17th Century. ---- Muscovite Book Culture and Soviet Historiography ---- Attitudes Toward Books and Printing. ---- The Repertoire of Books: How Secular?. ---- The Manuscript Tradition and Reading. ---- Awakum as a Mirror of Traditional Muscovy. ---- Ukrainian Humanism's Challenge to Muscovite Culture ---- The Alien Nature of Ukrainian Humanism. ---- The Coming of the Ukrainians and Their Books ---- The Significance of Polockij and Ukrainian Humanism. ---- The Impact of Polish Court Culture ---- The Opening of Muscovy by Tsar Aleksei. ---- Polonized Book Culture at Court. ---- Peter Tolstoi, Polonized Courtier. ---- Conclusion. ---- Chapter Two: Russian Book Culture in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century ---- European Book Culture in the Pre-Enlightenment. ---- The Classics in the Petrine Age and Beyond ---- The Classics in Print in Russia. ---- Modern Thought Without the Classics: Pososhkov. ---- Eighteenth-Century Russian Humanistic ---- Book Culture. ---- Humanistic Libraries in Petrine Russia. ---- Teofan Prokopovych and His Books. ---- Teofan Prokopovych as Humanist. ---- Eighteenth-Century Courtly Book Culture ---- Courtly and Noble Libraries in Russia. ---- Tatishchev, Orthodox Courtier. ---- Conclusion. ---- Chapter Three: Russian Book Culture in the Later Eighteenth Century ---- European Book Culture in an Enlightened Age. ---- The Classics v Tradition in Catherine's Russia ---- Translating and Publishing the Classics. ---- Book Consumption in an Enlightened Age. ---- Learning Latin in Post-Petrine Russia. ---- Book Culture in Catherine's Russia ---- The Problem of Sources (I). ---- The Library of the Humanistically Educated: Lomonosov. ---- Other Humanists' Libraries in Russia. ---- Russian Nobles' Libraries and Culture ---- The Problem of Sources (II). ---- Nikolai Novikov, Courtier. ---- Paul Demidov and Bolotov, ---- Noble Readers. ---- Alexander Radishchev, the Culmination of Humanism. ---- Chapter Four: Epilogue: The Fate of Latin Culture in the Late Eighteenth Century ---- Catherine's Public Schools and the End of Latin ---- Introduction: Catherine's School Reform. ---- Elementary Textbooks and Ideals. ---- On the Duties of Man and Citizen. ---- The Fate of Latin. ---- The Context: A Religious Revival. ---- Afterword: The Historiographic Cu text and the Creation of the Russian Enlightenment. ---- Conclusion. ---- Bibliography of Works Consulted. ---- Index. ISBN 9004103317
Rußland; Humanismus; Literaturwissenschaft; Philosophie; Geschichte
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The Rise and Fall of Latin Humanism in Early-Modern Russia. Pagan Authors, Ukrainians, and the Resiliency of Muscovy. By Max J. Okenfuss.

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