Christ's Churches Purely Reformed: A Social History of Calvinism

von Benedict, Philip:

Benedict, Philip:
Verlag / Jahr
Yale University Press, 11.2002.
Format / Einband
, Hardcover/Pappeinband 624 Seiten
ca. 1079 g
Fresh and clean hardcover copy with original dustjacket. Frisches und sauberes gebundenes Exemplar mit Original-Schutzumschlag. Contents: Part I: The Formation of a Tradition - 1. Zurich contra Wittenberg - The Wittenberg Reformation and the Origins of the Lutheran-Reformed Division - Zwingli and Zurich - The Eucharistic Controversy - Reformed Expansion and the Politics of Evangelical Union - 2. Teh Second Generation: Switzerland and Germany - Bullinger and German Switzerland - Reformed Currents in the Empire - 3. The Second Generation: Calvin and Geneva - The Expansion of the Reformation in Francophone Switzerland - Calvin the Theologian - Calvin Completes the Genevan Reformation - Calvin’s International Influence - Conclusion to Part I. Cooperating Allies, Contrasting Models of Christian Community - PART II THE EXPANSION OF A TRADITION - 4. France: The Construction and Defense of a Minority Church Beam: A Princely Reformation on Genevan Lines - 5. Scotland: A Revolutionary Reformation - 6. The Netherlands: Another Revolutionary Reformation - 7. The Empire: Further Reformation by Princely Fiat - 8. England: The Unstable Settlement of a Church - “But Halfly Reformed” - 9. Eastern Europe: Local Reformations Under Noble Protection Poland-Lithuania Hungary - Conclusion to Part II. The Reformed Churches at the End of the Sixteenth Century - PART III THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF A TRADITION - 10. Theological Disputes in the Age of Orthodoxy The Advance of Reformed Scholasticism - The Perplexes of Predestination - Practical Divinity - The Challenge of the New Philosophy and Biblical Philology - Cocceius, Rational Theology, and the Retreat of Orthodoxy - 11. Changing Political Circumstances on the Continent - The Power of Privilege and Princely Favor - When the Faith of the Ruler Changed - ind Geneva - 12. British Schisms - The Church Policies of the Early Stuarts - The New England Way - Scotland Overturns Episcopacy - The Splintering of the Church of England - Political Division in the Church of Scotland - The Restoration Settlements - The Glorious Revolution and the Legalization of Protestant Pluralism - Conclusion to Part III. Reformed Europe at the End of the Seventeenth Century - PART IV NEW CALVINIST MEN AND WOMEN? - 13. The Reformation of the Ministry - The Reformed Pastorate - Doctors, Elders, and Deacons - 14. The Exercise of Discipline - Goals and Procedures - Patterns of Consistorial Activity - Church Discipline and State Discipline - How Great the Impact? - 15. The Practice of Piety - Patterns of Collective Worship - Family Devotions, Bible Reading, and Catechism - The Puritan Manner of Godliness - How Great the Impact? - Conclusion to Part IV. Final Reflections on Calvinism and the Making of the Modern World - Notes - Index ISBN 9780300088120
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Christ's Churches Purely Reformed: A Social History of Calvinism

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