Money, Microbes,and More: Robert Koch, Tuberculin and the Foundation of the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Berlin in 1891. Preprint 69.

von Gradmann, Christoph:

Gradmann, Christoph:
Verlag / Jahr
Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 1997.
Format / Einband
MPIWG copy of the original brochure. 22 p.
ca. 550 g
A good and very clean copy. - Introduction: The 1890s have often been regarded as the breakthrough-age of bacteriology and microbiology: Following the earlier discoveries of germs as causal agents of infectious diseases, the decade saw the first successful attempts to develop specific antibacterial therapies for the infected patient. Applications of bacteriology had so far been more or less restricted to general hygienic measures such as disinfection or to preventive medicine, vaccines in particular. Behring and Kitasato's antiserum for diphtheria could be seen as a decisive step forward, since it seemed to offer the first tangible success in the field of specific therapy, based on scientific microbiological knowledge. The breakthrough of bacteriological hygiene in public health could be associated with the successfill measures against the 1892 Hamburg cholera epidemic, which were based on a bacteriological understanding of the epidemic. With the Institut Pasteur in Paris (1888) and the Institut für Infektionskrankheiten in Berlin (1891) the period saw the foundation of prestigious research-institutions, symbolizing the new science's growing reputation in another way. - Wikipedia: Christoph Gradmann (* 24. November 1960) ist ein deutscher Historiker, Medizinhistoriker und Professor für Medizingeschichte an der Universität Oslo.
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Money, Microbes,and More: Robert Koch, Tuberculin and the Foundation of the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Berlin in 1891. Preprint 69.

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