The Development of the Attribution of Responsibility. A Critical Survey of Empirical Research and a Theoretical Outline

von Helkama, Klaus:

Helkama, Klaus:
Verlag / Jahr
Department of Social Psychology - University of Helsinki, 1979.
Format / Einband
, Softcover/Paperback 153 Seiten
ca. 486 g
Fresh and clean copy in good condition. In English - Finnish bilingual edition. Frisches und sauberes Exemplar in gutem Zustand. In englisch-finnischer zweisprachiger Ausgabe. Contents: I. Introduction - II. An Analysis of the Concept of Responsibility - III. From Objective Resonsibility to Subjective Resonsibility: Piaget´s Theory - IV. Heider´s Theory of the Levels in the Attribution of Responsibility - V. An Outline of a Theory of the Development of Responsibility
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The Development of the Attribution of Responsibility. A Critical Survey of Empirical Research and a Theoretical Outline

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