The Ambassadors' Secret: Holbein And The World Of The Renaissance. Von John North.

von North, John and Hans d. Ä. Holbein:

North, John and Hans d. Ä. Holbein:
Edition: Revised.
Verlag / Jahr
Hambledon and London, 2002.
Format / Einband
paperback. 462 p., illustrated;
ca. 410 g
Pages yellowed due to age, otherwise the copy is in very good condition, free of annotations - Seiten altersbedingt gegilbt, sonst ist das Exemplar in einem sehr guten Zustand, frei von Anstreichungen - Contents - The painter and his worls - portrayal - Provenance and Date A Hidden Meaning? - Hans Holbein - Master Painter - Holbein’s First Visit to England - Return to Basel - London Again - Death and Reputation - The two ambassdaors - The World of Diplomacy - Jean de Dinteville - The First London Embassy and the King’s Divorce - The Second Visit to London - Georges de Selve - After Cranmer’s Judgement - Further Embassies and Final Retreat - Diplomatic Catholics - Nicolaus Kratzer - Astronomy and the Liberal Arts - Wandering Scholar - Thomas More and Oxford - Kratzer and the Continent - Kratzer at Court - The Mind’s Construction - II - The Painting - S - Lines and Method - On Detecting Anomaly - Instruments for the heavnes - The Celestial Globe and Holbein’s Viewpoints - The Globe and the Painting’s Perspective - The Setting of the Celestial Globe - The Cylinder Dial - The Compound Solar Instrument - The Quadrant - The Polyhedral Dial - The Polyhedral Dial: What the Painter Saw - The Torquetum - The Mundane Level - The Terrestrial Globe and the Dividers - I he Arithmetic Book and Set-Square - The Musical Instruments - The Hymnal - The dissorted skull - The Scrots Anamorphic Portrait - Skull and Sun - Right and Left Eyes - Technique - Another Anamorph? - Apelles to an abbey Pavement - The Apelles Line - The Gloves Line - The St Michael-Rome Line - The Orb of Instruments, Solomon s Seal - and the White Strip - Hexagram and Moon - The Turkey Rug - The Abbey Pavement and the Form of the Universe - Holbein’s Pavement - hints of astrology - The Horoscope Square - The Horoscope’s Detail - The Hexagram and the Planets A Note on Golden Section - III. the meaning - shadow and the truth - The Place of the Skull - The Theme of Twenty-Seven - Memento Mori - touched by the ocult ? - Magic and Angels - Metaphors of Spirit - Humanism and Magic - Gematria and the Cabala - Agrippa and the Luxuriance of Occult Belief - An Alchemical Image? - On a Broken String - Rome and the Lyre - Division and the Harmony of the World - Theologies of the Cross - Colet, More and the Sun - More and the Crucifixion - Luther’s ‘Theology of the Cross’ - Symbols of the Millennium - Ram, Cross and Creation - Cygnus and the Cross - The Rituals of Good Friday - Fears for the Mid-Millennium - On Painters and Authors - A Shared Tradition? - Chaucer at the Court of Henry vm - The True Author - Apelles and Clio - Appendix I: Piero della Francesca’s Baptism of Christ - Appendix II: The Compound Solar Instrument - Appendix III: Rabanus Maurus and Solomon’s Throne Appendix IV: Holbein and Chaucer Compared - Appendix V: The Celestial Globe and the Northern Cross. ISBN 9781852854478
Renaissance; Geschichte; Hans Holbein d.Ä; Kunstgeschichte
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The Ambassadors' Secret: Holbein And The World Of The Renaissance. Von John North.

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