Streetcar Suburbs: The Process of Growth in Boston, 1870-1900: The Process of Growth in Boston, 1870-1900, Second Edition

von Warner, Jr. Sam Bass:

Warner, Jr. Sam Bass:
Auflage: 2nd Revised ed.
Verlag / Jahr
Harvard University Press, 01.1978.
Format / Einband
, Softcover/Paperback 236 Seiten
ca. 333 g
Fresh and clean copy in good condition. Frisches und sauberes Exemplar in gutem Zustand. CONTENTS - I - A CITY DIVIDED - Who Built the Metropolis? - Common Ideas and Experiences - II - THE LARGE INSTITUTIONS - The Walking City - The Street Railways - Other Services to Home Builders - Common Patterns of Decision - III THE THREE TOWNS - The Discipline of History and Geography - The Three Towns, 1870–1900 - IV - A SELECTIVE MELTING POT - The Street Railway and Class Building Patterns - The 1900 Segregation - V - THE WEAVE OF SMALL PATTERNS - Central Dorchester - Tremont Street District - Roxbury Highlands - VI - REGULATION WITHOUT LAWS - The Home Builders - The Grid Street and Frontage Lot - Suburban Architecture - VII - THE CONSEQUENCES - APPENDIX A - A LOCAL HISTORIAN'S GUIDE TO SOCIAL STATISTICS - APPENDIX B - TABLES - BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE ISBN 9780674842113
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Streetcar Suburbs: The Process of Growth in Boston, 1870-1900: The Process of Growth in Boston, 1870-1900, Second Edition

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