Civics for Cameroon Schools. First publ. 1967, Third ed. 1971, Revised Ed. 1979.

von Abangma, S. E.:

Abangma, S. E.:
Verlag / Jahr
Victoria, 1979.
Format / Einband
Original brochure, 12*17,5 cm. 54 p.
ca. 550 g
From the working library of Dr. Hans-Joachim Koloss, curator of the Africa Collection of the Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin. - Ownership note Koloss. - A clean copy. - Contents: National Emblems -- The School Society -- The Village Communty -- The Constitution of the U. R. Cameroon. -- Organisation of Government: (1) The Government -- (2) Parliament -- (3) The Social & the Economic Council -- (4) Administrative Units -- (4) The Municipal Councils -- The Cam. National Union Party (CUN) -- The Judicial System -- The rights and Obligations of the Citizen -- Government Revenue and Expenditure -- The National Social Insurance Fund -- Wold Regional Groupings -- Questions and exercises.
Unser Preis
EUR 23,00
(inkl. MwSt.)
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Civics for Cameroon Schools.

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