Venus at her mirror : Velázquez and the art of nude painting. [Transl. from the German by Ishbel Flett, Edinburgh]

von Prater, Andreas:

Prater, Andreas:
Verlag / Jahr
Munich ; Berlin ; London ; New York : Prestel, 2002.
Format / Einband
Orig.-Pp.; Orig.-Schutzumschlag. 133 S. : zahlr. Abb.
ca. 1080 g
Sehr gutes Exemplar. / Very good copy. - From the sixteenth century onwards, artists increasingly turned their attention to images of Venus. In their treat- ment of this great mythological subject, they also honed their skills in the portrayal of seductive nudes celebrating the beauty of the female body. Few such paintings possess the multi-facetted complex- ity of Velázquez' Venus at Her Mirror (better known as the Rokeby Venus), which has intrigued and challenged schol- ars ever since. Andreas Prater examines the many aspects and possible interpretations of this famous work, its last- ing impact on the art of the nude and the enduring fasci- nation it has exerted on the public. He looks at the paint- ing's interesting history leading up to its being slashed by a suffragette at the National Gallery in London in 1919 and its subsequent, painstaking restoration. In this publication, the author places the Rokeby Venus in its political and art-historical context, comparing and contrasting it with works by Giorgione, Veronese, Titian, Goya and Manet. / Content: The Woman with the Blade -- Venus and Maja -- The Seductress The Woman with the Mirror -- Venus in the Bedrooms of Spain -- The Rokeby Venus as a Decorative Element? -- Theme and Motif Dating the Painting -- Venus at the Mirror and the Tradition of Epithalamia -- Venus at the Mirror-a Wedding Gift? -- Attributes Images of Venus -- Images of Women -- The Faceless Beauty -- Donna quasi vas -- The Nude Back View as a Metaphor of Desire -- Il Discreto Pintore -- A Dangerous Subject -- A Nude without a Nude Model? -- The Lascivious Gaze Reflections: Engaño-Desengaño -- The Mirror and the Observer -- Back Views: The Philosopher's Venus -- The Picture as Mirror-the Mirror as Picture -- "Sic in corde facit Amor incendium" -- Sensualist Sfumato -- Spanish Sfumato -- "The Radiance of the Light of the Face of God" -- Bellezza as Prudentia -- The Mirror in 'Las Meninas' -- The Secularised Devotional Image -- From Whore to Christian Venus -- Light and Colour -- Surface Depth -- Aristocratic Style -- Real Presence The Curtain -- Image and Rhetoric -- Mars on the Bed of Venus -- The Warm Bed Epilogue -- Endnotes -- Bibliography -- Index of Artists, Important Figures and Works of Art Illustrated. ISBN 9783791327839
Velázquez, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y: Venus mit dem Spiegel; Venus, Göttin ; Malerei ; Geschichte, Malerei
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Venus at her mirror : Velázquez and the art of nude painting.

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