The Early Years of Art History in the United States: Notes and Essays on Departments, Teaching, and Scholars.

von Smyth, Craig Hugh and Peter M. Lukehart (eds.):

Smyth, Craig Hugh and Peter M. Lukehart (eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Princeton: Department of Art and Archaeology Princeton University, 1993.
Format / Einband
Paperback. XXIII, 205 p.: Ill.
ca. 878 g
Lediglich der Einband weist leichte Gebrauchsspuren auf, sonst ein sauberes und gutes Exemplar / Only the cover shows slight signs of usage, otherwise a clean and good copy. - Contents Acknowledgements Preface Notes on the Contributors List of Illustrations Part I. Glimpses of Some Early Departments of the History of Art in the United States Introduction to Part I CRAIG HUGH SMYTH Princeton: The Beginnings under Marquand MARILYN ARONBERG LAVIN Appendix I: Venturi’s Letter to Marquand Appendix II: E. Baldwin Smith, The Study of the History of Art in the Colleges and Universities of the United States (1912) The Princeton Department in the Time of Morey CRAIG HUGH SMYTH An Undergraduate’s Experience of Fine Arts at Harvard University in the 1920s EDWARD M. M. WARBURG Harvard and the Fogg AGNES MONGAN The Harvard Fine Arts Department JOHN COOLIDGE Harvard Postscript OTTO WITTMANN The Department of Art at Vassar: 1865-1931 PAMELA ASKEW The Study of Art at Smith College PHYLLIS WILLIAMS LEHMANN Arts at Yale University GEORGE KUBLER The Department of Fine Arts for Graduate Students at New York University CRAIG HUGH SMYTH History of Art at Columbia University JULIUS S. HELD Part II. Three Decades of Art History in the United States (1910-1940): Five Figures Introduction to Part II HENRY A. MILLON Bernard Berenson MICHAEL RINEHART Arthur Kingsley Porter: Life, Legend and Legacy LINDA SEIDEL Concerning Charles Rufus Morey (1877-1955) CRAIG HUGH SMYTH American Backgrounds: Fiske Kimball’s Study of Architecture in the United States LAUREN WEISS BRICKER Richard Offner and the Ineffable: A Problem of Connoisseurship HAYDEN B. J. MAGINNIS Part III. Institutionalizing Art History: The Early Discipline in the United States Introduction to Part III DONALD PREZIOSI The Departments of Art, Wellesley College, and the History of Art and Classical Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College, 1875-1914 CLAIRE RICHTER SHERMAN The Beginnings of Art History at Harvard and the “Fogg Method” SYBIL GORDON KANTOR Formulating Art History at Princeton and the “Humanistic Laboratory” DAVID VAN ZANTEN Virtue and Good Manners: Toward a History of Art History Instruction MARY ANN STANKIEWICZ Index Plates. ISBN 9780691036458
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The Early Years of Art History in the United States: Notes and Essays on Departments, Teaching, and Scholars.

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