The Beast Within: Animals in the Middle Ages.

von Salisbury, Joyce E.:

Salisbury, Joyce E.:
Verlag / Jahr
Routledge., 1994.
Format / Einband
kart. / Paperback. 238 Seiten / p., Abb.
ca. 337 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar / a good and clean copy -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: What Is an Animal? -- Chapter 1: Animals as Property -- Chapter 2: Animals as Food -- Chapter 3: Animal Sexuality -- Chapter 4: Animals as Human Exemplars -- Chapter 5: Humans as Animals -- Conclusion: What Is a Human? -- Appendix: Relative Animal Values -- Notes -- bibliography -- Index -- MEDIEVAL STUDIES -- The Beast Within offers a unique exploration of the use of and attitude towards animals in medieval society. Joyce E. Salisbury surveys the ways in which inhabitants of Western Europe thought of and dealt with their animals from the 4th to the 14th centuries. She explores the impact of Christianity on our views of animals, and demonstrates the rediscovery, in the 12th century, of the idea of an animal side to humans that made people start thinking of themselves as animals. -- The Beast Within illustrates how, as property, food and sexual objects, animals in the middle ages had a distinct, and at times, odd relationship with the people and the world around them. In the process, the volume provides an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, weaving a historical narrative that includes economic, legal, theological, literary and artistic sources. A provocative and thorough work, this volume will inform and enlighten current debates on animal rights and offer an original contribution to the historical study of animals. ISBN 9780415907699
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The Beast Within: Animals in the Middle Ages.

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