Soft matter physics. Mohamed Daoud ; Claudine E. Williams (ed.). [Transl. Stephen Lyle]

von Daoud, Mohamed (Herausgeber):

Daoud, Mohamed (Herausgeber):
Verlag / Jahr
Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Barcelona ; Hongkong ; London ; Milan ; Paris ; Singapore ; Tokyo : Springer, 1999.
Format / Einband
gebundener Originalpappband XV, 320 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. ; 28 cm
ca. 1220 g
Sauber erhalten, keine Einträge, der Einband sehr gering berieben. 1. Droplets: CapiUarity and Wetting 1 By F. Brochard-Wyart (With 35 figures) 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 The Players and the Rules of the Game 2 1.2.1 Surface and Interfacial Tension 2 1.2.2 The Triple Line and Contact Angles 4 1.2.3 Curved Interfaces: Laplace's Formula 5 1.2.4 Capillary Length «T1: the Role of Gravity 6 1.2.5 The Spreading Parameter S 7 1.2.6 Controlling Wettability 8 1.2.7 The Dynamics of Wetting : 10 1.2.8 High-Speed Wetting: The Role of Inertia 11 1.3 Capillary Rise and Meniscus 12 1.3.1 Capillary Rise: Jurin's Law 12 1.3.2 Meniscus 14 1.4 The Shape of Droplets 15 1.4.1 Solid Substrates 15 1.4.2 Liquid Substrates 17 1.5 Wetting of Fibres 18 1.6 Droplet Spreading Dynamics 22 1.7 Forced Wetting 25 1.7.1 Experiment (Designed by D. Quere) 25 1.7.2 The Minimum Speed for Film Deposition 26 1.7.3 Film Thickness on a Fibre (or in a Capillary Tube) 27 1.8 Dewetting 29 1.8.1 Thick Film Dewetting 30 1.8.2 Microscopic Film Dewetting 1.9 Further Perspectives 37 1.9.1 Contact Line Instabilities 37 1.9.2 The Marangoni Effect 38 1.9.3 Spreading on Nanoscopic Scales 42 Appendix 44 Bibliography 45 2. Fractals 47 By M. Daoud and H. Van Damme (With 20 figures) 2.1 Disorder and Scale Invariance 47 2.2 Self-Similarity and Self-Affinity 54 2.3 Measure, Heterogeneity and Multifractality 60 2.4 Random Walks, Polymer Chains and Membranes 61 2.5 Percolation, Gelation and the Metal-Insulator Transition 65 2.6 Diffusion-Limited Aggregation and Growth 72 2.7 Diffusion, Vibrations and Chemical Reactions 80 2.8 By Way of Conclusion 84 3. Small Volumes and Large Surfaces: The World of Colloids 87 By J. C. Daniel and R. Audebert (With 21 figures) 3.1 The Colloidal State: In Search of a Definition 87 3.2 Colloids in Everyday Life 88 3.3 The Colloidal System: A Delicate Balance of Opposing Forces . . . 91 3.3.1 Thermal Agitation and the Force of Gravity 91 3.3.2 Van der Waals Forces 92 3.3.3 Forces of Electrostatic Origin 95 3.4 The DLVO Theory 98 3.5 How do Colloidal Aggregates Build up? 100 3.5.1 The Kinetics of Aggregation 100 3.5.2 The Morphology of Colloidal Aggregates 102 3.6 The Thermodynamics of Colloidal Systems 103 3.7 Modifying the Interface . 108 3.7.1 Chemical Modification 108 3.7.2 Surfactants and Interfaces 108 3.7.3 Polymers and Interfaces 109 3.8 Methods for Preparing Colloidal Dispersions 120 3.8.1 Fragmentation Methods 121 3.8.2 Condensation Methods 3.9 The Future of Colloid Science 129 Bibliography 130 4. The Physicochemistry of Surfactants 133 By C. Taupin (With 15 figures) 4.1 Introduction 133 4.2 Amphiphiles in Solution 137 4.3 Interfacial Films and Spontaneous Curvature 139 4.4 Adsorption onto Surfaces 141 4.5 Amphiphilic Films in Presence of Other Compounds 143 4.6 Surfactants and Highly Divided Systems 147 4.7 The Structure of Microemulsions 150 5. From Giant Micelles to Fluid Membranes: Polymorphism in Dilute Solutions of Surfactant Molecules 155 By G. Porte (With 28 figures) 5.1 Introduction 155 5.2 Spontaneous Curvature and Micellar Shape 157 5.3 Micellar Shapes and Phase Behaviour 160 5.4 Giant Micelles 163 5.5 Fluid Membranes 168 5.5.1 Structure in the Dilute Lamellar Phase La 172 5.5.2 The Sponge Phase L3 175 5.5.3 Scaling Relations for Fluid Membrane Phases 178 5.6 Conclusion 183 Bibliography 184 6. Polymers Formed from Self-Assembled Structures 187 By F. Candau (With 14 figures) 6.1 Introduction 187 6.2 Microemulsion Polymerisation 188 6.2.1 Formulation and Structure 6.4 Polymerisable Surfactants . 205 6.4.1 Vesicles 206 6.4.2 Micellar Systems 210 6.5 Conclusion 216 Bibliography 216 7. Polymer Materials 219 By L. Monnerie (With 36 figures) 7.1 Introduction 219 7.2 Semi-Crystalline Polymers 219 7.2.1 Crystalline Structures 220 7.2.2 Morphology 223 7.2.3 Melting 226 7.3 Amorphous Polymers 227 7.3.1 The Glass Transition Phenomenon 228 7.3.2 Influence of Chemical Structure on Glass Transition Temperature 231 7.3.3 Glass Transition for Semi-Crystalline Polymers 232 7.4 Different States of Polymer Materials 233 7.4.1 Amorphous Materials 233 7.4.2 Crosslinked Amorphous Materials 234 7.4.3 Semi-Crystalline Materials 235 7.5 Elastomer Behaviour 237 7.5.1 Elasticity 239 7.6 Viscoelasticity and Damping 244 7.7 Solid Polymer Behaviour Under Longitudinal Load 248 7.7.1 Brittle Behaviour 248 7.7.2 Plastic Deformation and Stretching 249 7.7.3 Orientation 250 7.8 Processing Thermoplastic Polymers 252 7.8.1 Thermoforming 252 7.8.2 Viscosity of Polymer Melts 253 7.8.3 Extrusion 254 7.8.4 Injection Moulding 258 7.9 Conclusion 258 Bibliography 8. Polymer Solutions: A Geometrie Introduction 261 By T.A. Witten (With 8 figures) 8.1 Introduction 261 8.2 Random-Walk Polymer 263 8.3 Fractals in Solution 265 8.4 Diffusion and Flow near a Fractal 271 8.5 How Self-Interaction Changes the Fractal Dimension 277 8.6 Solutions of Many Polymers 280 8.7 Dynamic Relaxation in Polymer Solutions 283 8.8 Conclusion 286 Bibliography 286 9. Liquid Crystals: Between Order and Disorder 289 By J. Prost and C.E. Williams (With 22 figures) 9.1 Introduction 289 9.2 Nematic Liquid Crystals 291 9.2.1 Orientational Order, Elasticity and Singularities 291 9.2.2 Frederiks Transition and Display Applications 295 9.2.3 Threads, Nuclei and Disclinations 298 9.3 Lamellar Systems 301 9.3.1 The Different Structures 301 9.3.2 Characteristic Properties 303 9.3.3 Chiral Systems 308 9.4 Columnar Systems 311 9.4.1 The Different Structures 311 9.4.2 Characteristic Properties 311 9.4.3 Threads and Chirality 313 9.5 Conclusion 314 Bibliography 315 Index 317 ISBN 9783540648529
Kolloid; Fraktal; Flüssigkristall; Polymere, Physik, Astronomie, Eltern
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