Egypt in the Era of Hosni Mubarak, 1981-2011.

von Amin, Galal:

Amin, Galal:
Verlag / Jahr
Cairo, New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2011.
Format / Einband
Hardcover with dust jacket. 173 p.
ca. 497 g
Lediglich der Schutzumschlag am Buchrücken lichtbedingt leicht ausgeblichen, sonst ein sehr gutes Exemplar ohne Anstreichungen / only the dust jacket slightly faded at the spine, otherwise a very good copy without markings. - Galal Amin once again turns his attention to the shaping of Egyptian society and the Egyptian state in the half-century and more that has elapsed since the Nasserite revolution, this time focusing on the era of President Mubarak, which ended with the popular revolution of January 2011. He looks at corruption, poverty, the plight of the middle class, and of course, the economy, and directs his penetrating gaze toward the Mubarak regime's uneasy relationship with the relatively free press it encouraged, the vexing issue of presidential succession, and Egypt's relations with the Arab world and the United States. Addressing such themes from the perspective of an active participant in Egyptian intellectual life throughout the era, Galal Amin portrays the Mubarak regime's stance in the domestic and international arenas as very much a product of history, which, while not exonerating the regime, certainly helps to explain it. / Contents Introduction 1 The Soft State 2 Corruption 3 The Economy 4 The Poor 5 The Pashas 6 The Middle Class 7 The Intellectuals 8 The Press 9 Religious Discourse 10 Alienation 11 Mubarak’s Successor 12 Egypt and the Arabs 13 Egypt and the United States. ISBN 9789774164002
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Egypt in the Era of Hosni Mubarak, 1981-2011.

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