Judaica. Editor: Ivan Ninic.

von Mihailovic, Milica:

Mihailovic, Milica:
Verlag / Jahr
Studio Editions; London, 1990.
Format / Einband
88 Seiten; mit großformatigen, farb. Illustrationen; 38 cm; kart.
ca. 750 g
Gutes Exemplar; der farb. illustr. Einband stärker berieben u. m. kl. Läsur. - Englisch. - ILLUSTRATIONEN : Parokhet --- Kaporet --- Meil --- Torah Binder (for the Simhat Torah Festival) --- Keter Torah --- Tas --- Tas (Torah Shield) --- Rimmonim --- Yad (Pointer) --- Synagogue Lamps --- Wine Cup --- Kiddush Cup --- Besamim --- Hanukkiyyah --- Megillah Esther --- Pesah Plate --- Matzah Cover --- Ketubbah --- Prayer Book Cover --- Avodah Hashanah Prayer Book Cover / u.a.m. -- Many museums in Europe, America and Israel have Judaica as their main collections. The collections include ritual objects made of textiles, silver and other materials, which were used in synagogues or in rituals observed at home. All these objects are categorized according to their use as follows: Ornaments for the Torah scroll and various synagogue objects: keter Torah (crown of Torah); meil (Torah mantle); tas (Torah shield); parokhet; lamps; alms-boxes; plates from synagogue benches; plaques or inscriptions from the eastern walls of synagogues. Objects for home use on the occasion of various festivals and objects linked veryday life and customs: prayer books, prayer shawls, various cups, candlesticks, covers etc. / Ethnological material (folklore objects): clothing, caps, mantles, jewellery, amulets. Charters, medals, diplomas, maps, flags, coins etc. This is a diverse category: it includes charters and medals issued to commemorate the anniversaries of various Jewish communities and institutions and the jubilees of prominent figures in Jewish communities. Charters and diplomas were also issued on the occasion of significant dates for Jewish societies and associations. … (Vorwort) ISBN 1851706100
Religion; Kunsthandwerk; Judentum; Geschichte; Jüdische Religion; Objekte; Judaica; Synagoge; Handwerkskunst; Kulturgeschichte; Jüdische Kultur; Kulturgeschichte / Kunstgeschichte
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