Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives.

von Glick, Robert A. and Donald I. Meyers:

Glick, Robert A. and Donald I. Meyers:
Verlag / Jahr
Analytic Press,U.S., 2005.
Format / Einband
hardcover with dust jacket. 238 p.
ca. 711 g
Slight rubbing of the cover, otherwise very good and clean copy, without annotations./Leichte Bereibung des Einbandes, sonst sehr gutes und sauberes Exemplar, ohne Anstreichungen. - Contents - Acknowledgments - Contributors - Introduction - Robert A. Glick and Donald I. Meyers - The Concept of Character: A Historical Review - Robert S. Liebert - Sadomasochistic Excitement: Character Disorder and - Perversion - Stanley]. Coen - Clinical Dimensions of Masochism - Otto F. Kernberg - Those Wrecked by Success - Roy Schafer - The Analytic Concepts of Masochism: A Réévaluation Stuart S. Asch - The Narcissistic-Masochistic Character - Arnold M. Cooper - Masochism and the Repetition Compulsion - ]ohn E. Cedo - On Masochism: A Theoretical and Clinical Approach Herbert A. Rosenfeld - A Consideration of Treatment Techniques in Relation to the Functions of Masochism - Helen Meyers - The Precursors of Masochism: Protomasochism - Eleanor Galenson - Adolescent Masochism - Charles A. Sarnoff. ISBN 9780881630466
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EUR 41,00
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