Making Make-Believe Real - Politics as Theater in: Politics as Theater in Shakespeare's Time

von Wills, Garry:

Wills, Garry:
Verlag / Jahr
Yale University Press, 2014.
Format / Einband
Gebundene Ausgabe 414 Seiten
ca. 743 g
Fresh and clean hardcover copy in good condition with original dustjacket. Frische und saubere Hardcover-Kopie in gutem Zustand mit Original-Schutzumschlag. Contents - Key to Brief Citations - Introduction: Living "Onstage," - I Make-Believe (Courtly) Love - 1 Loved Ruler - 2 Loving Ruler - 3 Love s Rules - 4 Playing with the Rules - 5 Transcending the Rules - II Make-Believe (Divine) Monarchy - 6 Chrismed King - 7 Threatened Queen - 8 Royal Blood - 9 Antimonarch - 10 Fighting Monarch - 11 Searching Monarch - III Make-Believe (Cosmic) Religion - 12 The Book - 13 Revelation I - 14 Revelation II - 15 Ritual - 16 Stars in Their Courses - 17 Purity - IV Make-Believe (Faerie) Nation - 18 Urban Palimpsest - 19 Rural Camelot - v Make-Believe (Chivalric) War - 20 Warrior Queen - 21 War Games - 22 Rules of the War Games - 23 Knights of the Sea - VI Make-Believe (Courtier) Warriors - 24 Leicester - 25 Sidney: Chivalry - 26 Sidney: Pastoral - 27 Essex: Favorite - 28 Essex: Rival - 29 Essex: The Bacon Calculus - 30 Ralegh: Adventurer - 31 Ralegh: Prisoner - 32 Prince Henry ISBN 9780300197532
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Making Make-Believe Real - Politics as Theater in: Politics as Theater in Shakespeare's Time

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