Mathematical Brain Benders. 2nd Miscellany of Puzzles. With Over 200 Diagrams and Illustrations.

von Barr, Stephen:

Barr, Stephen:
Verlag / Jahr
Dover Publ.; NY, 1982.
Format / Einband
224 S.; graph. Darst.; 20,5 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex. - Englisch. - Stephen Barr is not a mathematician -he belongs to that much rarer mathematical set, the puzzlist inventor-innovators. He fashions new brain-benders out of traditional fields -geometry, logic, cryptarithmetic, topology (he is the author of the well-known Experiments in Topology) . . . and pioneers puzzles m less-traveled ground: geography, ongametry, literary high jinks. The unifying factor is wit, which gives this collection its prime identity. ... (Verlagstext) / INHALT : Rollers ---- Owls' Eggs ---- Conical Helix ---- The Owl Island Flag ---- Pseudo-Moebius Strip ---- The Butler and the Crumbs ---- The Three Clocks ---- Slit Strips ---- The Pot on the Crosspiece ---- For Scrabble Players ---- Area of Roof ---- Paper-Folding ---- The Two Pyramids ---- The Man Who Gave Up Smoking ---- Tetrahedron Angles ---- Hypocycloids ---- Squares on a Circle ---- Three Coins ---- Two Coins ---- The Coin Collector's Nightmare ---- (u.a.m.) ISBN 0486242609
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Mathematical Brain Benders. 2nd Miscellany of Puzzles. With Over 200 Diagrams and Illustrations.

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