The Ramayana.

von Menon, Ramesh:

Menon, Ramesh:
Verlag / Jahr
New York : North Point Press, 2003.
Format / Einband
Original half cloth with dust jacket. XX, 697 p.
ca. 711 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Overall very good and clean. - India’s most beloved and enduring legend, The Ramayana is widely acknowledged to be one of the world’s literary masterpieces. It recounts the story of the great prince Rama: his banishment to the forest; the abduction of his wife, Sita, by the powerful demon Ravana; and Rama’s rescue of her. Rama’s heroic deeds have been the source of inspiration for countless generations of Indians. His path embodies the essence of virtue and spirituality and serves as a code of ethics for people around the world. Still an integral part of India’s cultural and religious expression, The Ramayana was originally composed by the Sanskrit poet Valmiki around 300 B.C. The epic has profoundly affected the literature, art, and culture of South and Southeast Asia—an influence unparalleled in the history of world literature, except, possibly, by that of the Bible. Throughout the centuries, countless versions of the epic have been produced in numerous formats and languages. But previous English versions have been either too short to capture the magnitude of the original; too secular in presenting what is, in effect, scripture; or dry, line-by-line translations. Here, in the most comprehensive version available in English in one volume, novelist Ramesh Menon has rendered the tale in lyrical, evocative language that conveys all the beauty and excitement of the original, while making this spiritual and literary classic accessible to a new generation of readers. - RAMESH MENON is the author of Blue God: A Life of Krishna and the novel The Hunt for K, a national best-seller in India. He lives in Kodaikanal, India. ISBN 9780865476608
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