To the Promised Land. The Birth of Israel.

von Uri, Dan:

Uri, Dan:
Auflage: First Edition.
Verlag / Jahr
Doubleday., 1987.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag / Cloth with dustjacket. 285 Seiten / p., s/w. Abb.
ca. 1418 g
Aufkleberrest auf Umschlagrückseite, ansonsten tadelloser Zustand / Remainder of sticker on back cover, otherwise perfect condition - Forty years may seem an exceedingly brief moment in the life of a nation, especially one whose history dates back thirty-seven centuries. But for the Jewish people, the forty years since the founding of the modern State of Israel have been flooded with such extraordinary events that their history has become timeless and legendary. Now To the Promised Land: The Birth of Israel celebrates this fortieth anniversary of Israeli statehood in a stunning volume that vividly recalls one of the greatest human dramas of all time. In starkly beautiful and revealing photographs, many taken from Israel’s secret archives and published here for the first time, To the Promised Land captures the tragedies and triumphs of people battling to survive against all odds: concentration camp refugees, soldiers, heads of state, and other singular men and women who played crucial roles in the tumultuous and bloody history of their nation. Author Uri Dan masterfully chronicles the events that led to statehood, from Theodor Herzl’s First Zionist Congress in 1897 to David Ben-Gurion’s 1948 proclamation of Israel’s sovereignty to the United Nations and to the world. Here, too, Commander Yossi Harel provides a mesmerizing firsthand account of the 1947 voyage of the ill-fated Exodus, with its cargo of nearly five thousand Jewish men, women, and children who were turned away from Palestine by the British and sent back to Germany. -- Offering valuable insight into the spirit that infused Israel’s early leaders, including Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan, and Menachem Begin, To the Promised Land retells the moving story of the Jewish struggle— a struggle that continues to etch its history in today’s headlines. It is a rich, commemdrative album, an enlightening and fascinating work for generations to treasure. ISBN 9780385245975
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