Christie's Jewellery Review 1997.

von Curiel, Francois:

Curiel, Francois:
Verlag / Jahr
Format / Einband
kart. 48 S., numerous colored photos,
ca. 550 g
Sehr guter Zustand / very good condition. - Having grown at an exceptional rate of 21% per annum since 1994, the worldwide jewellery auction market paused for breath in 1997 with sales of USS454 million, representing a 6% decrease over 1996. Nevertheless, with sales of US$252 million, we were delighted that Christie’s was able to maintain its lead and remain the auctioneers of choice for jewellery at auction lor the fourth year in a row. Sales were strong considering the lack of important diamonds on the market and the scrutiny to which coloured stones have been submitted in recent months. Although various methods for enhancing the beauty of gemstones have been used for many centuries, new techniques have recently emerged which have driven the process to questionable levels. As illustrated in this edition of our annual Jewellery Review, Christie’s international jewellery team put together record-breaking sales in every centre. The star venue was Hong Kong, where annual sales of Jadeite and Western Jewellery grew by 57% over 1996, and the Jadeite bead necklace, which fetched US$9.4 million in November, became the most expensive jewel sold in any auction throughout the world during the last two years. As we embark on a new year, one of our main goals is to ensure complete transparency with regard to issues of gern treatment, while further developing our role as innovative auctioneers. Christie’s was the first auction house to publicly disclose artificial enhancements in 1997 by including a special explanatory notice in all our catalogues worldwide. Our procedures are being regularly re-assessed and in 1998, all descriptions of significant pieces will clearly state whether there has been any treatment, and estimates will be adjusted accordingly. Furthermore, since our primary mission is to achieve the highest possible results on behalf of consignors, we will maintain our efforts towards Creative marketing by organising more theme sales, Publishing livelier catalogues, reaching a greater nurnber of potential buyers through our international exhibitions and familiarising them with the jewellery industry, while continually training our staff to the highest levels of dient Service. Over the last few years, we have built up an international team of specialists who work closely together and feel, each in their own way, a strong responsibihty towards our clients, and naturally the market itself. With the help of their colleagues who provide the essential administrative back-up, they are determined to carry the auction System into the 2Ist Century, niaking it ever more efficient, enjoyable and successful for vendors and collectors alike.
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Christie's Jewellery Review 1997.

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