Law in the Middle East. Wiht a Foreword by Justice Robert H. Jackson.

von Khadduri, Majid and Herbert J. Liebesny (eds.):

Khadduri, Majid and Herbert J. Liebesny (eds.):
Vol. I. Origin and Development of Islamic Law.
Verlag / Jahr
Washington: The Middle East Institute, 1955.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit Goldprägung / Original linnen with gold embossing XVI+395 S./p.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Albrecht Noth (1937-1999), langjährigem Professor für Geschichte und Kultur des Vorderen Orients in Bonn und Hamburg. - Einband berieben und ebstoßen, Inventar-Nr. im Vorsatz, Innentitel mit Bibliotheksstempel, sonst sehr gut und sauber. - Herbert J. Liebesny (1911-1985) - Inhalt: H.A.R. Gibb : Constitutional organization -- Joseph Schacht: Pre-Islamic background and early development of jurisprudence -- / Joseph Schacht: The schools of law and later developments of jurisprudence -- / S.G. Vesey-Fitzgerald: Nature and sources of the Shari'a -- A.A.A. Fyzee: Shi'i legal theories -- Muhammad Abu Zahra: Family law -- Subhi Mahmasani: Transactions in the Shari'a -- Henry Cattan: The law of Waqf -- Riyad Maydani: 'Uqubat: penal law -- / Emile Tyan: Judicial organization -- Ebuul'ula Mardin: Development of the Shari'a under the Ottoman Empire -- S.S. Onar: The Majalla -- Herbert J. Liebesny: The development of Western judicial privileges -- Choucri Cardahi : Conflict of law - Majid Khadduri : International law. / From the library of Prof. Dr. Albrecht Noth (1937-1999), long-time professor for the history and culture of the Near East in Bonn and Hamburg. - Cover rubbed and scuffed, inventory no. in intent, inside title page with library stamp, otherwise very good and clean. - Content: H.A.R. Gibb : Constitutional organization -- Joseph Schacht: Pre-Islamic background and early development of jurisprudence -- / Joseph Schacht: The schools of law and later developments of jurisprudence -- / S.G. Vesey-Fitzgerald: Nature and sources of the Shari'a -- A.A.A. Fyzee: Shi'i legal theories -- Muhammad Abu Zahra: Family law -- Subhi Mahmasani: Transactions in the Shari'a -- Henry Cattan: The law of Waqf -- Riyad Maydani: 'Uqubat: penal law -- / Emile Tyan: Judicial organization -- Ebuul'ula Mardin: Development of the Shari'a under the Ottoman Empire -- S.S. Onar: The Majalla -- Herbert J. Liebesny: The development of Western judicial privileges -- Choucri Cardahi : Conflict of law - Majid Khadduri : International law.
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Law in the Middle East.

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