The Synagogue of Dohany Street.

von Schöner, Alfred:

Schöner, Alfred:
Fotos: Th. Bobella u.a.
Verlag / Jahr
Budapest, 1992.
Format / Einband
Ca. 50 S.; Illustr.; 20 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex.; Einband stw. etwas berieben. - Englisch u. hebräisch. - … The town in unwilling to admit Jews as long as until the last third of the 18th century. On 31st March, 1783, however, the imperial edict of Joseph II terminated this prejudice, which had prevailed officially as well. Thus, by that time their settlement had become permitted ; the only exceptions were the mining towns. This is how the Jews got to Pest, especially to Therese-stadt and to the downtown. It is known from the official census that in 1787 fourteen so-called "tolerated" Jews and 114 "settlers" lived on the left bank of the Danube. As early as in the same year their first house of worship was established in today's Majakovszkij Street, i.e. the one-time Kiraly Street, in the Hausler manor. In 1826 the impressive synagogue of the religious community of Vienna was opned. Several of the Jews of Pest had been to the imperial capital and they were deeply impressed by the Jewish temple built there. As a result, reformed religious service was introduced in Kiraly Street, in the temple in the "White Goose" house. This was given the name of cultustempel, where the religious ceremony was accompanied by a choir, i.e. in a modified form. This is important since from here there is a straight way to the liberalized and decisively modernized system of religious service held in the synagogue of Dohany Street-in a building having style-making power regarding both its inward and outward form. … (S. 1) ISBN 963778800X
Synagoge; Jüdische Religion; Budapest; Architektur; Judentum; Kunstgeschichte / Kulturgeschichte
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