The Barbed-Wire College: Reeducating German Pows in the United States During World War II (The William G. Bowen Series)

von Robin, Ron Theodore:

Robin, Ron Theodore:
Verlag / Jahr
Princeton University Press, 1995.
Format / Einband
Cloth with dj. 217 Seiten
ca. 518 g
Sehr guter Zustand / very good condition. Widmung d. Autors für Joschka Fischer. From Stalag 17 to The Mancburian Candi-date, the American media have long been fascinated with stories of American prisoners of war. But few Americans are aware that enemy prisoners of war were incarcerated on our own soil during World War II. In The Barbed-Wire College Ron Robin teils the extraordinary story of the 380.000 German prisoners who filled camps from Rhode Island to Wisconsin, Missouri to New Jersey. Using personal narratives, camp newspapers, and military records, Robin re-creates in arresting detail the attempts of prison officials to mold the daily lives and minds of their captives. From 1943 onward, and in spite of the Geneva Convention, prisoners were sub-jected to an ambitious reeducation program designed to turn them into American-style democrats. Under the direction of the Pentagon, liberal arts professors entered over five hundred camps nationwide. Deaf to the advice of their Professional rivals, the behavioral scientists, these instructors pushed through a program of arts and humanities that stressed only the positive aspects of American society. Aided by German POW collaborators, American educators censored populär books and films in order to promote democratic humanism and downplay dass and race issues, materialism, and wartime heroics. Red-baiting pentagon officials added their contribution to the program, as well; by the war’s end, the curriculum was more concerned with combating the appeals of communism than with eradicating the evils of National Socialism. But the reeducation officials neglected to account for one factor: an entrenched * German military subculture in the camps, complete with a rigid chain of command and a propensity for murdering “traitors.” The result of their neglect was utter failure for the reeducation program. By telling the story of the program’s rocky existence, however, Ron Robin shows how this in-triguing chapter of military history was tied to two crucial episodes of twentieth-century American history: the battle over the future of American education and the McCarthy-era hysterics that awaited post- war America. ISBN 9780691037004
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The Barbed-Wire College: Reeducating German Pows in the United States During World War II (The William G. Bowen Series)

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