The Age of Grace. Charis in early Greek Poetry.

von MacLachlan, Bonnie:

MacLachlan, Bonnie:
Verlag / Jahr
Princeton University Press, 1993.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag. XXI; 192 S.; Illustr.; 22 cm.
ca. 550 g
Sehr gutes Ex. - Englisch. // "This work is unique in analyzing a semantic field that affects both our interpretation of social life and of poetics in Greece. By collecting and commenting on the numerous instances of charts, a crucial notion in the Greek social vocabulary, the author has produced a valuable, interesting book." -RICHARD P. MARTIN, Princeton University. / Although "grace" in today's secular usage often connotes beauty or good manners, to the ancient Greeks it was both an aesthetic and a moral concept central to social order-a transformative power grounded in favor, thanks, repayment, delight, pleasure, and, above all, reciprocity. Here Bonnie MacLachlan explores the Greek concept of grace, or charis, as depicted in poetic works from Homer to Aeschylus, to tap into the essential meaning behind the manifold uses of the term. She also relates it to other important concepts in the moral language of the eighth century B.C.E. ... (Verlagstext) // INHALT : A NOTE ON USAGE --- LIST OF EDITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS --- CHAPTER ONE Introduction --- CHAPTER TWO --- The Charis of Achilles --- CHAPTER THREE The Charites --- CHAPTER FOUR Erotic Charis --- CHAPTER FIVE Social Charis --- CHAPTER SIX Epinician Charis --- CHAPTER SEVEN --- The Charis of the Oresteia --- CHAPTER EIGHT Conclusion --- APPENDIX ONE Euripidean Charis --- APPENDIX TWO --- The Prepositional Use of ... --- GLOSSARY. ISBN 0691069743
Altertum; Literaturgeschichte
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The Age of Grace. Charis in early Greek Poetry.

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