Bible & ethics in the Christian life.

von Birch, Bruce C. and Larry L. Rasmussen:

Birch, Bruce C. and Larry L. Rasmussen:
Revise and expanded edtion. 7th print
Verlag / Jahr
Minneapolis : Augsburg Fortress, 1995.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 239 S.
ca. 550 g
Schnitt leicht angeschmutzt. - CONSENSUS AND QUESTIONS New Power, New Choices -- A Different Face -- Historical Faith -- Altered Judgments -- Formative Knowledge and Power -- Agenda -- CHRISTIAN ETHICS AS COMMUNITY ETHICS Community's Place -- A Way of Life -- People of the Way -- Jewish Trademarks -- Continuation and Conclusion -- Charting the Moral Life -- The Moral World: Virtue, Value, Obligation, and Vision Scripture and Moral Agency -- THE ELEMENTS OF CHARACTER FORMATION Primary Words -- Social Dynamics and the Self -- Faith and Perception -- Dispositions and Intentions -- Conclusion -- Firsthand Accounts -- CHARACTER FORMATION AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE -- Channels -- Implications -- DECISION MAKING The Question -- Practical Moral Reasoning -- Roles -- Levels of Moral Discourse -- An Alternative Style -- Synthesis -- THE CHURCH AND THE MORAL LIFE A Community of Moral Identity Formation -- The Church as a Bearer of Tradition -- The Church as a Community of Moral Deliberation -- The Church as an Agent of Action -- THE NATURE AND ROLE OF BIBLICAL AUTHORITY Authority in Christian Ethics -- Traditional Views of Biblical Authority -- The Collapse of Biblical Authority -- Biblical Authority: Focus and Locus -- Biblical Authority and Christian Ethics: Some Proposals -- MAKING BIBLICAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE The Character of the Biblical Witness -- The Importance of Exegesis -- The Canon as a Framework of Control -- The Bible as a Resource for the Moral Life -- SUMMARY AND CHALLENGE Moral Agency -- Community -- Implications for the Life of the Church. ISBN 9780806623979
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Bible & ethics in the Christian life.

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