Freud's "On Narcissism : An Introduction". Ed. by Joseph Sandler, Ethel S. Person u.a.

von Freud, Sigmund:

Freud, Sigmund:
Verlag / Jahr
Yale Univ. Press, 1991.
Format / Einband
XX; 236 S.; 21 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex. - Englisch. - EDITED BY JOSEPH SANDLER ETHEL SPECTOR PERSON PETER FONAGY FOR THE INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOANALYTICAL ASSOCIATION. // "On Narcissism: An Introduction" is a densely packed essay dealing with ideas that are still being debated today - from the role of narcissism in normal and pathological development and the relationship of narcissism to homosexuality, libido, romantic love, and self-esteem to issues of therapeutic intervention. The contributors place the work ir the context of Freud's evolving thinking, point out its innovations, re-view its problematic aspects, and examine how its theoretical concepts have been elaborated more recently by analysts of diverse theoretic persuasions. In addition, they use Freud's text to chart new developments in psychoanalysis and point toward still unresolved problems. An introduction by Joseph Sandier, Ethel Spector Person, and Peter Fonagy provides a succinct overview of the material. (Verlagstext) / INHALT : … "On Narcissism: An Introduction": Text and Context --- R. HORACIO ETCHEGOYEN --- Introduction to "On Narcissism" --- NIKOLAAS TREURNIET --- Letter to Sigmund Freud LEON GRINBERG --- Narcissism in Freud --- WILLY BARANGER --- A Contemporary Reading of "On Narcissism" --- OTTO F. KERNBERG --- The Theory of Narcissism in the Work of Freud and Klein --- HANNA SEGAL AND DAVID BELL --- From Narcissism to Ego Psychology to Self Psychology --- PAUL H. ORNSTEIN --- Narcissism as a Form of Relationship --- HEINZ HENSELER --- Narcissism and the Analytic Situation --- BELA GRUNBERGER --- (u.a.m.) ISBN 0300050852
Narzissmus; Psychoanalyse; Sigmund Freud
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Freud's "On Narcissism : An Introduction". Ed. by Joseph Sandler, Ethel S. Person u.a.

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