Zürich 95. Open Questions in Analytical Psychology ... The Thirteenth International Congress ... Zurich 1995.

von Mattoon , Mary Ann (Ed.):

Mattoon , Mary Ann (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Daimon Verlag, 1997.
Format / Einband
746 S.; Illustr.; 21 cm; kart.
ca. 900 g
Gutes Ex.; minimale Gebrauchsspuren. - Englisch. - INHALT : Editor's Preface --- Mary Ann Mattoon --- Opening Remarks --- Verena Kast --- Address by the Mayor of Zurich --- Joseph Estermann --- Plenary Sessions --- No Answer is Still an Answer: Why Many Psychological Questions Must Stay Open --- Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig --- Sexual Acting Out and the Female Analyst --- Coline Covington --- Female Perversion: Scenes and Strategies In Analysis and Culture --- Anne Springer --- Bridging Analytical Psychology and Research: A Sandplay View --- Harriet S. Friedman --- Demons in the City --- Kaj Noschis --- The Bipolar Split in Analytical Psychology --- Donald F. Sandner --- Modern Infant Research and Reductive Analysis --- Mario Jacoby --- Mercurius Duplex: Archetypal Defense Against Early Trauma --- Donald E. Kalsched --- Where Man's Shadow Falls: Reflections on Jung and Women --- Giovanna Carlo, Laura Cervellati Telmon --- The Soul of Under development: The Case of Brazil --- Roberto Gambini --- Theoretical Issues --- Lack of New Metaphors in Analytical Psychology --- Giuseppe Maffei --- Why it is Difficult to be a Jungian Analyst in Today's World --- Andrew Samuels, Polly Young-Eisendrath --- Neurobiological Theory and Jungian Metapsychology: Auspicious Correspondences --- David I. Tresan --- Frida Kahlo: Dynamic Transformations --- Jacqueline J. West --- Music and Analysis: Contrapuntal Reflections --- Patricia Skar --- Auditory Imagery: The Acoustic Vessel --- Mary Lynn Kittelson --- Alchemy in the Computer? The Interplay of Word and Image, Sound and Music --- Manfred Krapp --- Analytical Psychology and Religion --- The Altar in Human Groups: A Path to the Living God --- Pilar Montero --- Wana Jukurpa: The Medicine Snake Dreaming of Central Australia Leon Petchkovsky, Craig San Roque --- Panel: Analytical Psychology and Religion --- Thayer Greene, J. Marvin Spiegelman, Arwind Vasavada, Eli Weisstub, John Dourley, Donald Ferrell, Zuk-Nae Lee --- Violence and Destruction --- Violence in the Life of the Psyche --- Rosmarie Daniel --- The Culture of Violence and Analytical Psychology --- John R. van Eenwyk --- One Lone Springbok: Analytic Work and Destruction of the Natural World --- Patrick J. Tummon --- After Such Violence: A Reconceptualization of Jung's Incest Theory --- Claire Douglas --- Clinical Issues --- Mutual Influence in the Analytic Relationship: Jungian and --- Psychoanalytic Views --- Claire Allphin --- Fermentation in Jung's Alchemy --- Beverley D. Zabriskie --- The Many Ways of Working In Psychotherapy with Children and --- Adolescents --- Alice Merz, Annika Bugge, Rutger Schoeller, Anna Kohler, Christiane Kuster-Neumuller --- Prenatal and Perinatal Influences in Contemporary Jungian --- Analysis JoAnn Culbert-Koehn --- (u.v.a.) ISBN 3856305564
Internationaler Kongreß Analytische Psychologie Zürich 1995; Psychoanalyse
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Zürich 95. Open Questions in Analytical Psychology ... The Thirteenth International Congress ... Zurich 1995.

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