Julio Salcedo. Scalar Architecture. Generic Specific Continuum. Ed. by Oscar R. Ojeda. Foreword by Luis Rojo.

von Salcedo, Julio:

Salcedo, Julio:
City College of New York; Loft.
Verlag / Jahr
Format / Einband
167 S.; Illustr.;
ca. 700 g
Sehr gutes Ex. - Englisch. - Generic Specific Continuum - Julio Salcedo / Scalar Architecture. Edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda Foreword by Luis Rojo Essay by Ivan Rupnik Text by Julio Saicedo. - The Generic Specific Continuum threads an equally compelling and encompassing narrative across the work of the Spanish architect Julio Salcedo and his practice Scalar Architecture. Refined built and speculative projects illustrate a series of thought provoking relationships across scales, locations, materials and design techniques. This search for a broader understanding of architecture find precise and beautiful materialization in projects varying from domestic to urban scales. Photographs, projective drawings and concepts provide an insightful view of Salcedo's architectural explorations. This book encapsulates and delineates a rich understanding of architecture - at once engaged with its registers of production and a broader understanding of the environment. The book complements a thorough graphic documentation of selected projects with Salcedo's own writings and critical essays by Luis Rojo and Ivan Rupnik. "Julio Salcedo's ongoing interest in landscape and urban design has informed his architectural work producing a rich, invested and responsible practice. In all, I believe his work illustrates his ambition to inform even modest architectural projects with broader issues present in contemporary practice, something that I believe speaks highly for his intense and profound interest in design" (Rafael Moneo). "Salcedo's houses, early achievements that stunned both academic and professional circles with their freshness and precocious sophistication are presented with unpublished competition proposals for large-scale buildings. The projects in their varying locales, scales and ambitions all demonstrate a commitment to architecture as a conceptual medium with a capacity to tackle complex ideas as well as a material practice with a transformative worldliness. Each is a built essay that works through architectural problems of form, construction and material to achieve a thought-provoking resolution in a difficult yet satisfying beauty" (Rudolphe El'Khoury). (Verlagstext) ISBN 9788499361925
Architektur; Design; Bildende Kunst
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Julio Salcedo. Scalar Architecture. Generic Specific Continuum. Ed. by Oscar R. Ojeda. Foreword by Luis Rojo.

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