1 bulb of the advertised variety is sent.

Note: It is not sent to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla.

Bletilla striata It is a species of terrestrial orchid native to Asia, characterized by its attractive purple flowers. Here are some care and characteristics for this plant:


  1. Light: Prefers a location with indirect or partial light, avoiding direct sunlight during the brightest hours of the day.

  2. Temperature: It is a resistant plant that prefers moderate temperatures. It can tolerate mild cold, but is sensitive to frost.

  3. Floor: Use a well-drained, porous soil. A mixture of peat moss, pine bark and perlite may be suitable.

  4. Irrigation: During the active growing season, keep the soil evenly moist, but not waterlogged. Reduce watering during the winter when the plant is dormant.

  5. Fertilization: Apply a diluted orchid fertilizer once a month during the growing season. Reduce or suspend fertilization during the dormant period.

  6. Division: You can divide the rhizomes after the plant has flowered, usually in late summer or early fall.


  1. Flowers: Bletilla striata It produces clusters of purple or lilac flowers, with white lines or spots on the lip. The flowers look similar to those of the most common orchids and usually have a soft, delicate aroma.

  2. Foliage: The leaves are lanceolate and light green. They can grow in groups from the rhizome.

  3. Height: They reach a height of around 20-30 centimeters.

  4. Flowering time: Flowers usually appear in spring or early summer, depending on weather and growing conditions.


  1. Bletilla striata It is one of the most common and easy to grow species within the Bletilla genus.

  2. It is commonly known as the "iron orchid" due to its reputation for being tough and durable.

  3. It is appreciated in ornamental gardening for its beauty and ease of cultivation. It can be grown in pots, garden borders or as part of a rock garden.

  4. Although it is native to Asia, Bletilla striata It has become naturalized in some regions of Europe and North America.

  5. It is an excellent choice for beginning gardeners looking to grow terrestrial orchids due to its hardiness and low care requirements.

Taking these care and characteristics into account, you will be able to enjoy the beauty and elegance of Bletilla striata in your garden or in your home.

Bletilla striata It is a species of terrestrial orchid native to Asia, characterized by its attractive purple flowers. Here are some care and characteristics for this plant: Irrigation: During the active growing season, keep the soil evenly moist, but not waterlogged. Reduce watering during the winter when the plant is dormant. Flowers: Bletilla striata It produces clusters of purple or lilac flowers, with white lines or spots on the lip. The flowers look similar to those of the most common orchids and usually have a soft, delicate aroma. It is appreciated in ornamental gardening for its beauty and ease of cultivation. It can be grown in pots, garden borders or as part of a rock garden. Taking these care and characteristics into account, you will be able to enjoy the beauty and elegance of