10 Pack!  Great aquarium plant starter!!!!!!!

Vallisneria Americana 

Commonly known as EELGRASS.  This is one of the fastest growing aquarium plants with simple lighting requirements.  You can propagate this plant easily if it grows too large, just cut it back and plant the cuttings!!!  Vallisneria Americana is one of the most beneficial plants for goldish, shrimp, crayfish, fry of all stages, and many tropical fish.  It provides a wealth of nutrition for your fish and provides excellent stabilization of your tank water.  This plant is even cichlid hardy!!

What you will receive: 10 individual Vallisneria plants of medium height (6-8").  This is the minimum size you will get.  These plants grow fast and long!  I have two pics of Vallisneria in 10 gallon aquariums.  One picture is of short eelgrass on the left side of the aquarium.  This is what I would consider to be trimmed grass.  The next pic is of three weeks of growth, with many blades floating on the top.  

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