This is an amazing DIY soldering kit that comes with a robot car kit and the ability to produce sound while reversing. The package is brand new and sealed, ensuring that you get the best quality product. The product is a perfect fit for any consumer electronics enthusiast looking to try their hands on creating their own robot car kit.

The kit is designed by CIC and comes with one size that fits all. The kit contains all the necessary components to build your own robot car kit, including the sound reversing feature. The product is perfect for anyone interested in experimenting with electronics and would be an ideal gift for someone who has a passion for the same.

Sound reversing car is a voice control robot car by using microphone as its detector. It moves forward normally unless the microphonedetects signal like clap or physical contact. When the microphone detects noise, it will turn back and left for a few seconds then keep forward, moving again until the next signal are received by the microphone.
