Identity in Communicative Contexts. Lodz Studies in Language ; 48.

von Ciepiela, Kamila (ed.):

Ciepiela, Kamila (ed.):
neue Ausgabe
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2016.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover. 224 S., Abb.
ca. 550 g
Ein tadelloses Exemplar. - Table o f Contents -- Kamila Ciepiela -- Explorations of the issue of identity in communicative contexts: -- Themes and methods7 -- Alex Frame -- Intersectional identities in interpersonal communication 21 -- Kamila Ciepiela -- A pair of ovaries or a butterfly: Bodily femininity of women with -- Turners syndrome 39 -- Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk -- Language, leadership and visibility in online discussions 57 -- Rotem Leshem & Rakefet Sela-Sheffy -- Emotion-identity management through talk: Anger talk in young -- Israeli mens accounts on a negative experience 81 -- Krzysztof Kosecki -- Stereotype-based representations of national identity in -- signed communication 99 -- Malgorzata Kniaz -- Functions of diglossic and Arabic/English code-switching in -- identity construction on Egyptian television117 -- Debora Quattrocchi -- Issues of identity and otherness’ in relation to accent and language in -- an intercultural learning context135 -- fames Moir -- Global citizenship: An education or an identity? 147 -- Jadwiga Uchman -- Eric Bernes Games People Play, the phatic and rhetoric modes -- of speech, and the “two to one dialogue” situation in Harold Pinters -- Birthday Party -- Martin Hinton -- Identity as argumentation: Argumentation as identity175 -- Iga Maria Lehman -- Cherry's contribution to the rhetorical theory for self-representation: -- ethos and persona Does the real' self of the writer exist? 187 -- Linda Bäckman -- ‘The prologue of my story' - positioning of selves in re-told -- migration stories 199 -- Daniel Nagy -- Redundancy as a tool for identity-creation - the narration scenes in -- Thomas Mann's Joseph and his brothers 211 ISBN 9783631666616
Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
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