Spectrum of emotions : from love to grief. Silesian studies in anglophone cultures and literatures ; volume 5

von Drag, Wojciech (Herausgeber) und Ewa (Herausgeber) Keblowska-Lawniczak:

Drag, Wojciech (Herausgeber) und Ewa (Herausgeber) Keblowska-Lawniczak:
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt am Main ; Bern ; Wien : Peter Lang Editon, 2016.
Format / Einband
Festeinband 227 Seiten ; 22 cm
ca. 405 g
Tadelloses Exemplar. - Table o f Contents -- Editors’ Preface 7 -- Part I - Love -- Joanna Bukowska -- The Tour of The Court of Love: The Tradition of Amatory Poetry -- and Its Readjustments in Chaucerian Apocrypha13 -- Aleksandra Kgdzierska -- “Memories of Love”: Seamus Heaneys Human Chain27 -- Anna Cholewa-Purgal -- Romantic Theology of Love According to Charles Williams 37 -- Tomasz Kulka -- The Sense of the Divine: The Complexities of Wonder in -- Marilynne Robinsons Gilead 51 -- Maria Antonietta Struzziero -- Discourses of Love and Desire in Jeanette Wintersons -- Lighthousekeeping 59 -- Rod Mengham -- The Obscene Emotions of Nell D unn 71 -- Part II - Shame -- Tomasz Basiuk -- Warhol and Queer Shame87 -- Elzbieta Klimek-Dominiak -- Double Portrait with Ambiguous Loss: Shame, Grief and -- Art in Patti Smiths Relational Memoir Just Kids97 -- Dominika Ferens -- Belated Interest: Reading the Fiction of Sigrid Nunez through -- Silvan Tomkins’s Affect Theory 113 -- Part III - Grief and Nostalgia -- Rachael Sumner -- The Anatomy of Grief in Ali Smiths Novel How to Be Both 125 -- Anna Maria Tomczak -- Ways of Grieving: Bharati Mukherjee’s “The Management of -- Grief” and Jhumpa Lahiri’s “Hema and Kaushik” 135 -- Rowland Cotterill -- Emotions, Emotionalism, and Moods: Can We Give Hamlet -- Any Good Advice? 149 -- Grzegorz Moroz -- Travel Books, Nostalgia and Paratexts: The Case of Patrick -- Leigh Fermor’s A Time of Gifts 159 -- Part IV - Trauma -- Bozena Kucala -- Reticence and Reclusion in William Trevors The Story of Lucy Gault 169 -- Andrzej Ksftzopolski -- Emotional Carnage: Experience and Recollections of -- War in Ian McEwan’s Atonement 179 -- Corina Cri§u -- “A Welter of Emotions:” (Re)writing Exile in Irina Panas -- Romanian-Australian M emoir 189 -- Part V - Across Emotions -- Wojciech Kozak -- Envy Revisited: Muriel Sparks The Finishing School205 -- Michael Hollington -- Music, Poetry, Parody: Collins’s “The Passions: -- An Ode for Music” and Dickens’s Great Expectations 215 -- Contributors 223 ISBN 9783631659342
Englisch ; Literatur ; Liebe <Motiv> ; Scham <Motiv> ; Trauer <Motiv> ; Geschichte, Englische Literatur
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Spectrum of emotions : from love to grief.

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