The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Vol. 20, 1965.

von Eissler, Ruth S., Anna Freud Edward Glover (Eds.) a. o.:

Eissler, Ruth S., Anna Freud Edward Glover (Eds.) a. o.:
1. Aufl.
Verlag / Jahr
New York: International Universities Press, 1965.
Format / Einband
Original cloth with dust jacket. 566 p.; 8°.
ca. 700 g
Dust jacket slightly rubbed, otherwise good and clean. - Contents: Diagnostic Assessments (Profiles) - ANNA FREUD, HUMBERTO NAGERA, and W ERNEST FREUD - Meta-psychological Assessment of the Adult Personality: The Adult Profile - CHRISTOPH M HEINICKE ET AL - Frequency of Psychotherapeutic Session as a F"actor Affecting the Child's Developmental Status - MOSES LAUFER - Assessment of Adolescent Disturbances: The Application of Anna Freud's Diagnostic Profile - JOSEPH J MICHAELS and IRENE PIERCE STIVER - The Impulsive Psychopathic Character according to the Diagnostic Profile - Aspects of Normal and Pathological Development - PETER BLOS - The Initial Stage of Male Adolescence - WARREN M BRODEY - On the Dynamics of Narcissism: I Externa-lization and Early Ego Development - DOROTHY BURLINGHAM - Some Problems of Ego Development in Blind Children - PHYLLIS GREENACRE - On the Development and Function of Tears - ELIZABETH BREMNER KAPLAN - Reflections regarding Psychomotor Activities during the Latency Period - JAMES A KLEEMAN - A Boy Discovers His Penis - HUMBERTO NAGERA AND ALICE B COLONNA - Aspects of the Contribution of Sight to Ego and Drive Development: A Comparison of the Development of Some Blind and Sighted Children - HELEN ROSS - The Teacher Game - THEODORE SHAPIRO and JOHN STINE - The Figure Drawings of Three-year-old Children: A Contribution to the Early Development of Body Image - HOWARD SHEVRIN and POVL W TOUSSIENG - Vicissitudes of the Need for Tactile Stimulation in Instinctual Development - BENJAMIN SPOCK - Innate Inhibition of Aggressiveness in Infancy - DORIS M WILLS - Some Observations on Blind Nursery School Children's Understanding of Their World - Contributions to Psychoanalytic Theory - IRVING HANDELSMAN - The Effects of Early Object Relationships on Sexual Development: Autistic and Symbiotic Modes of Adaptation - DOUGLAS HOLMES - A Contribution to a Psychoanalytic Theory of Work - W G JOFFE and JOSEPH SANDLER - Notes on Pain, Depression, and Individuation - JOSEPH SANDLER and W G JOFFE - Notes on Obsessional Manifestations in Children - Clinical Contributions - RUDOLF EKSTEIN - Puppet Play of a Psychotic Adolescent Girl in the Psychotherapeutic Process - YVON GAUTHIER - The Mourning Reaction of a Ten-and-a-half-year-old Boy - SARA KUT ROSENFELD and MARJORIE P SPRINCE - Some Thoughts on the Technical Handling of Borderline Children - WILLIAM G NIEDERLAND - Narcissistic Ego Impairment in Patients with Early Physical Malformations - PIERRE VEREECKEN - Inhibition of Ego Functions and the Psychoanalytic Theory of Acalculia - CONTENTS OF VOLUMES I-XX.
Kinderpsychologie; Therapie
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The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Vol. 20, 1965.

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