Ancient Corinth. A Guide to the excations.

von Caskey, John L. und Henry S. Robinson (Eds.):

Caskey, John L. und Henry S. Robinson (Eds.):
6th rev. ed.
Verlag / Jahr
Athens: Ameican School of Classical Studies, 1960.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. Abb. Originalbroschur. 95 S. plus Faltplan.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, langjährigem Leiter der Außenstelle Teheran des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Einband berieben. Einige Blätter lose. - Unlike its modern namesake in the plain at the water's edge, the ancient city of Corinth lay upon an elevated terrace nearly two miles from the sea. The site of the classical city has been inhabited with some interruptions since Neolithic times. The first settlers, arriving possibly as early as the fifth millennium B. C, must have been attracted by the abundance of spring water, the nearness to the sea, and the fertility of the Corinthian plain. The remains of that era - chiefly pottery, a few figurines and stone tools, and scant traces of house walls - testify to a rapid growth and prosperity which lasted some two thousand years. In the course of this period the community, reinforced by new arrivals about 3000 B. C, changed from a Neolithic to an Early Bronze Age culture, using weapons and implements of metal as well as stone. At the beginning of the second millennium B. C. Corinth, like many other prehistoric towns, was suddenly laid in ruins. For the next thousand years, throughout the Middle and Late Bronze Age, the site of Corinth - or at least that part of it which has been excavated - was largely deserted, but smaller settlements continued to exist at various places in the Corinthia.
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Ancient Corinth. A Guide to the excations.

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