Lion bowls from Hasanlu.

von Muscarella, Oscar White:

Muscarella, Oscar White:
Offprint from: Archaeology 18, 1.
Verlag / Jahr
Boston: Archaeological Institute of America, 1965.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. Abb. Geheftet. S. 41-46.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, langjährigem Leiter der Außenstelle Teheran des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Mit Widmung des Autors. - Hasanlu-a village south of Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran-has become famous through the remarkable discoveries made there by the joint expedition of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. During the 1958 campaign at the site of Hasanlu, a woman from the nearby village brought to the excavation house a small piece broken from a steatite object. It had been found on a dump of earth thrown out from excavations then in progress at the southern part of the mound. On one side of the piece were parts of the bodies of two small lions carved in relief. Four years (and three campaigns) later, when work was begun on the northern part of the mound, one of the excavators found, just below the surface, a fragment of a steatite vessel which included a lion's head with its shoulders and front paws. Because of the similarity in motif and material this fragment was recognized as being related to the one found in 1958, which, in the division of finds, had been sent to the University Museum in Philadelphia.
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Lion bowls from Hasanlu.

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