51 months.

von Levy, Carrie:

Levy, Carrie:
Verlag / Jahr
Trolley, 2005.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover. Ca. 120 S.; illustriert; qu.-22 cm.
ca. 700 g
Sehr gutes Ex. - Englisch. // My father went to jail on my 15th birthday, on January 16th, 1996. I have never asked what happened, and to this day I still don't want to know. Nevertheless, a prison sentence for a family man is a sentence for nis family. We were an average Long Island family and we egually, or so we felt, endured the 51 months my father was imprisoned. All we could do was wait. During that time, my mother, my two brothers and I wondered about his return. At the end of the 51 months we were different people. In my father's absence my mother undertook the roles of both parents for myself and for my two younger brothers. She had three jobs and cared for three children, always loyal to my father. Every weekend she would drive the ten-hour round-trip to Allenwood Federal Prison Camp. Sometimes we all went with her. My mother kept the family together, and she still does. Taylor, my youngest brother, was too small when my father went to jail to comprehend the transition in his life. At first he thought the visiting room at Allenwood was my father's new office. As he matured Taylor began to understand the reality of his father's life, but made no accusations. He was as he is today, guiet and accepting. Even as the youngest child Taylor made it a priority to make sure everyone else was happy, but always looked to his older brother to lean on. My brother Grant, who rarely appears in this book, is two years younger than me, and several years' wiser. Grant watched over me and was the calming force in our family. There is no one I admire more. I recorded the 51 months behind my camera. Making photographs is what I knew, and I felt safe with the distance. This is my diary of his absence. Nine years later each image makes me want to remember. The photographs that have stuck with me are those of detail. These images are what filled the void my father left behind, and oddly represent a nostalgia for a life I no longer live. (Vorwort) ISBN 190456321X
Fotoband; Photographie
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