The "Pauline" spirit world in Eph 3:10 in the context of Igbo world view : a psychological-hermeneutical appraisal. New Testament studies in contextual exegesis ; Vol. 9.

von Madubuko, John Chijioke:

Madubuko, John Chijioke:
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt, M. : Lang-Ed., 2015.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover. 505 S.
ca. 550 g
Ein tadelloses Exemplar. - Table of Contents -- 0. General Introduction -- 0.1 The spirit world as object of research - clarifications -- and delimitations 15 -- 0.2 The Letter to the Ephesians as focus 30 -- 0.3 Motivation, Scope and Aim of this study 34 -- 0.4 Notes on Methodology 39 -- 0.5 The possibility of "Psycho-hermeneutical" approach 43 -- 0.6 Divisions of the work 50 -- Section One: "Pauline Spirit Worlds- -- Terminologies And Antecedents -- Chapter One 55 -- 1.1 "Pauline spirit-world" - Designations 55 -- 1.2 Antecedents/Backgrounds - History of Religions' Perspectives 57 -- 1.2.1 Ancient Orient 57 -- 1.2.2 Reception among the ancient Greeks 62 -- 1.2.3 Reception and development in Ancient (OT) Israel -- and in Judaism 66 -- 1.2.4 Hellenistic Judaism and the Septuagint (LXX) 71 -- 1.2.5 Intertestamental Writings 74 -- 1.2.6 Rabbinical Literature 79 -- 1.3 Overview - the Cosmic orientations 82 -- Chapter Two: Pauline Cosmic Theology 89 -- 2.0 Cosmic Theology 89 -- 2.1.0 Pauline cosmic theology 89 -- 2.1.1 The Stoic foundation 91 -- 2.2 Pauline cosmic orientations - issues of plurality -- of Powers/elements of the world 94 -- 2.2.1 Rom 8:38-39 (in the light of Gal 4:4-5 and 1 Cor 15:12fF) 98 -- 2.2.2 Gal 4:4-5 - its cosmological accent 104 -- 2.2.3 1 Cor 15:27 in relation to Gal 4 and Rom 8 in cosmic -- Christological perspectives 110 Excursus 112 -- Summary 113 -- Section Two: Issues Of Cosmologies: -- Ephesian's And Igbo Cosmologies -- Chapter Three: Ephesians - Authorship, -- General analysis, Reception 117 -- 3.1 Pseudonymity and Pseudepigraphy as literary phenomena 117 -- 3.1.1 Pseudepigraphy in the New Testament 121 -- 3.2 Ephesians as Pseudo-/Deutero-Pauline 123 -- 3.2.1 Arguments against Pauline authorship (a summary) 125 -- Language and style 126 -- Different theological developments 127 -- 3.3 General analysis of Eph 129 -- 3.3.1 The letter elements in Pauline tradition 130 -- 3.3.2 Ephesians in Pauline letter-pattern 132 -- 3.3.3 Attempt at rhetoric schemata 135 -- 3.4 Intention(s) of Eph 136 -- 3.5 Reception of Pauline "cosmic" theology in Eph 141 -- Summary 149 -- Chapter Four: Ephesians world view 151 -- 4.1 World view (WeltbildWeltanschauung, cosmology) 151 -- 4.1.1 Ephesian world view 154 -- 4.1.2 The Universe as God's creation (Eph 3:9) 160 -- 4.2.1 eu role eiroupowioie 164 -- 4.2.2 The spatial in-between 168 -- 4.2.3 The Earth -rj -y^n 170 -- 4.3 Implications of the Eph world view 173 -- 4.3.1 God - world - man in pre-Christian Eph world view 174 -- 4.3.2 Apotropaic orientations - Magic as example 177 -- 4.3.3 The Eph response - the three-tier scheme of Eph: -- God-Christ-man (Christian/s) 180 -- Summary 188 -- Chapter Five: Igbo World view 191 -- 5.1 Igbo world view - a religious cosmology 191 -- 5.1.1 Brief identifications 193 ISBN 9783631657775
Bibel. Epheserbrief, 3,10 ; Exegese; Bibel. Epheserbrief, 3,10 ; Ibo ; Traditionale Kultur ; Kosmologie, Bibel, Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
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The "Pauline" spirit world in Eph 3:10 in the context of Igbo world view : a psychological-hermeneutical appraisal.

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