Archäologischer Anzeiger 2014. 2 Halbbände. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI).

von Fless, Friederike und Philipp von Rummel (Hrsg.):

Fless, Friederike und Philipp von Rummel (Hrsg.):
Verlag / Jahr
Tübingen: Wasmuth, 2014-2015.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Fadengehefteter Originalpappband. 209 S.; 219 S.
ca. 1550 g
Band 1 Ecke bestossen, sonst gut. - 1. HALBBAND: Sevinc Günel / Suzanne Herbordt. Mycenaean Krater Fragments with Figural Scenes and a Seal Impression of a Hittite Prince from the Late Bronze Age Settlement of Cine-Tepecik -- Gabriele Rasbach, Bronze Equestrian Statues from the Augustan Settlement of Waldgirmes. An Outstanding New Find of Early Imperial Statuary -- Johannes Lipps / Michael Unterwurzacher, New Research into Roman Stone Architecture in Bavaria -- Dominik Maschek, Examples of the Reuse of Late Republican Statue Bases in Imperial-Era Country Towns in Central Italy -- Andrey M. Korzhenkov / Emanuel Mazor, Archaeoseismological Damage Patterns at the Ancient Ruins at Rehovot-ba-Negev, Israel -- Andreas Schachner, The Excavations at Bogazköy-Hattusa in 2013. With contributions by Harald Stümpel, Ercan Erkul, Daniel Schwemer, Josef Lehner, Peter Grave, Lisa Kealhofer, Geoffrey Ludvik, Magda Pienia/ek, Jonathan Mark Kenoyer and Bogdana Milic -- Konrad Zimmermann, Finds from Miletus XXVIII. Lydian Architectural Terracottas from Zeytintepe -- Archaeological Society at Berlin e. V. 2013 -- Erich Kistler, The Mediterranean in the 6th and early 5th centuries B.C., a World on the Move -- 2. HALBBAND Hüseyin Cevizoglu, Remarks on an Ivory Spoon in the Form of Swimming Girl from -- Klazomenai -- Hans Rupprecht Goette, The Deme of Phrearrhioi and ItsThesmophorion -- OrenTal, A Late Fourth/Early Third Century B.C. Farmstead at Holot Rishon Le-Zion (South), Israel: Evidence for an Unrecorded Military Clash in the Southern Levant? -- Manuel Fiedler / Henner von Hesberg, Wall Building Inscriptions by the People of Apollonia from Leucas -- Norbert Eschbach, Late Antique Bone Reliefs from Perge -- ItamarTaxel, Pots and People from East to West: a Rare Early Islamic Glazed Lidded Bowl from a Monastic Site near Jericho, and Its Cultural and Historical Context -- Felix Pirson, Pergamon. Report on the Projects of the 2013 Campaign. With contributions by Martin Bachmann, Burkhard Emme, Benjamin Engels, Barbara Horejs, Sarah Japp, Anneke Keweloh, Arzu Öztürk, Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen and ErikWegmann -- Gerhard Jöhrens, Finds from Miletus XXIX. Amphorae Stamps from the Excavations at Miletus 1899-2007, Part 2.
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Archäologischer Anzeiger 2014. 2 Halbbände.

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