Packaging for Electronic Products.

Verlag / Jahr
Design Media Publ., 2015.
Format / Einband
251 S.; zahlr. Illustr.; 21 cm; kart.
ca. 650 g
Sehr gutes Ex. - Englisch. // With a collection of 175 cases, the book displays the current trend and popular approaches of package design for electronic products, covering mobile communication devices, computers and accessories, cameras, household appliances, audiovisual entertainment products, digital watches and other consumer products as such. (Verlagstext) // Package design is a unique form of art. It is the first opportunity to communicate with your targeted group of consumers and to make an impact on people who haven't had a chance to actually see the product Therefore, enticing a potential consumer to desire the product inside becomes the primary design goal The package has to stop people in their tracks and make them want to further explore the goods Many companies fail to understand that their product's package is the first impression that decides the overall product experience It needs to make consumers want to open the box by creating instant anticipation - by the time they reach the product, they already feel excited and want to see and learn more Which elements are crucial for a successful package7 For every company, branding is the key to success, and product packaging is an effective tool to visually translate the core values of the product and the brand Eye-catching designs and images are vital at the most basic level because they deliver the message in a direct way that affects consumers' decisionmaking processes Equally important is a solid and carefully devised structure that allows for easy access to the products while providing sufficient protection during the shipping, storage, and in-store display processes, especially for high-technology produces, which need special protection. (Vorwort) ISBN 9789881412317
Verpackung; Verpackungsdesign; Elektronik / Produkte; package design
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Packaging for Electronic Products.

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