The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. December 2000. Volume 81, Part 6. Incorporating the International Review of Psycho-Analysis....

von Tuckett, David (Ed.):

Tuckett, David (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Inst. of Psycho-Analysis London, 2000.
Format / Einband
Broschiert. S. 1066-1274.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Exemplar. - _ Editorial - Reporting clinical events in the journal: towards - the construction of a special case - Disguise or consent: problems and recommendations Glen O. Gabbard concerning the publication and presentation of clinical material - . Theory and technique - Affect and pictographic image: the constitution of Elias Mallet da Rocha Barros - meaning in mental life - Psychoanalysis and the moral high ground jane Milton - Reflections on psychic reality William W. Meissner - Insight and the nature of therapeutic action in Angela Joyce and Jenny Stoker - the psychoanalysis of 4 and 5 year old children - . History of psychoanalysis - Metamorphoses of The Interpretation of Dreams: Use Grubrich Simitis - Freud's conflicted relations with his book of the - century - . Interdiscipinary studies - L'enfant et /es sortileges revisited Debbie Hindle - Kant's philosophy and its relationship with the Mauro Mancia and Luigi Longhin - thought of Bion and Money Kyrle - A report of the 9th Pre Congress on Training, - Santiago, Chile, 1999 - Clinical approaches to the termination of the Elias Mallet da Rocha Barros - training analysis clinical dilemmas of training analysts - Letters to the editor - James W. Hamilton Akhtar's 'Mental pain and the cultural ointment of poetry' Salman Akhtar Response - Imre Szecsödy Berman's 'Psychoanalytic supervision: the intersubjective development' - Emanuel Berman Response - Film review essay - The real thing? Some thoughts on Boys Don't Cry Donald Moss and Lynne Zeavin - Obituary - Selma Kramer (1920 2000).
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The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. December 2000. Volume 81, Part 6.

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