Advances in Clinical Psychoanalysis.

von Gedo, John E.:

Gedo, John E.:
Verlag / Jahr
New York: International Universities Press, 1981.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag. IX, 407 S.
ca. 550 g
Umschlag leicht berieben, sonst gutes Exemplar. - THE SCOPE OF CLINICAL PSYCHOANALYSIS Indications for Psychoanalysis or Intensive Psychotherapy -- Some Lessons of Psychotherapy for Psychoanalysis -- In Search of the Borderline: The Current Limits of Psychoanalysis as Therapy -- CRITIQUE OF SELF PSYCHOLOGY The Psychoanalytic Management of Archaic Transferences -- Reflections on Some Current Controversies in Psychoanalysis -- On the Use and Abuse of Empathy in Psychoanalysis -- Epigenesis, Developmental Lines, and Psychopathology -- CRITIQUE OF OBJECT RELATIONS THEORIES Theories of Object Relations: A Metapsychological Assessment -- Transference, Fantasy, and Object Relations -- APPLICATIONS OF THE HIERARCHICAL MODEL Dreams and Primitive Modes of Psychic Organization -- The Analyst's Affectivity and the Management of the Transference -- A Hierarchical View of Psychopathology: The Problem of Choice of Symptom -- On Some Antecedents of Developmental Arrest -- The Oedipus Complex in Contemporary Perspective -- EPILOGUE The Art of Psychoanalysis -- APPENDIX Oedipal Content of Case Material. ISBN 0823601250
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EUR 16,90
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