Vol. 34. Nr. 3. The Journal of Analytical Psychology. 1989.

von Gordon, Rosemary (Ed.):

Gordon, Rosemary (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Society of Analytical Psychology ; Acad. Press, 1989.
Format / Einband
S. 214-313; 8°; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gebrauchsspuren; Anstreichungen. - ISSN 0021-8774. - INHALT : M FORDHAM Some historical reflections - C PERRY Futility and creativity - C COVINGTON In search of the heroine - C GROESBECK C G Jung and the shaman's vision - CORRESPONDENCE - OBITUARY NOTICE: G Adler - JOURNAL REVIEWS - BOOK REVIEWS - D MELTZER The Apprehension of Beauty (M Fordham) M H WILLIAMS - G WEHR Jung: a Biography (C Peterson) - D W WINNICOTT Human Nature (S Powell) - M SIDOLI Jungian Child Psychotherapy (D Howell) - M DAVIES - W WILLEFORD Feeling, Imagination, and the Self (I Williamson) - J RYCE-MENHUIN The Self in Early Childhood (M Davies) - L C MAHDI Betwixt and Between (J F Miller) - S FOSTER, - M LITTLE - BOOKS RECEIVED - CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE - BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE.
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Vol. 34. Nr. 3. The Journal of Analytical Psychology. 1989.

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