The Monastic Order in South Wales, 1066-1349. Studies in Welsh History.

von Cowley, F. G.:

Cowley, F. G.:
Verlag / Jahr
Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1977.
Format / Einband
Fadengehefteter Originalpappband mit Schutzumschlag. 317 S.
ca. 850 g
Aus dem Nachlass von Michael Richter. Richters Rezensionsexemplar für "Irish Historical Studies". Beiliegend: Anschreiben des Verlages -- Richters handschriftliche Notizen für die Rezension -- Maschinenschriftliche Rezension. Umschlag am Rücken etwas ausgeblichen, sonst gutes Exemplar. - Inhalt: THE ELEVENTH-CENTURY BACKROUND -- THE INTRODUCTION OF LATIN MONASTICISM INTO SOUTH WALES -- MONASTIC RECRUITMENT AND POPULATION -- THE MONASTIC ECONOMY -- MONASTIC DISCIPLINE -- LITERARY ACTIVITIES OF THE MONKS -- THE MONASTERIES AND THE SECULAR CHURCH -- THE MONASTERIES AND LAY SOCIETY -- CRISIS AND CHANGE -- Appendix: Monastic Foundations in South Wales from c. 1066 to 1271 -- The Size of Estates of South Wales Monasteries c. 1291 -- Assessed Values of South Wales Monasteries c. 1291 -- Appropriated Churches in Llandaff and St. David's Dioceses c. 1291 -- Vicarages in the Diocese of Llandaff Valued in the Assessments of 1254 and 1291. - The twelfth and thirteenth centuries were a period of intellectual ferment, religious reform and economic expansion. This volume surveys the activities of the monks and regular canons of south Wales during this period, examines their response to the conflict between the Welsh and the Anglo-Norman invaders and colonists, and evaluates their contribution to economic and intellectual life. Towards the end of the thirteenth century there are indications that the monks were relaxing their standards of discipline and observance and were withdrawing from their former active role as estate managers and agriculturalists. This study pays particular attention to the evidence of declining monastic discipline and traces too the growing financial difficulties of the monasteries. These first became serious towards the end of the thirteenth century and at the beginning of the fourteenth, and prompted changes in the management of the monastic estates well before the Black Death affected Wales. (Verlagstext). ISBN 0708306481
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The Monastic Order in South Wales, 1066-1349.

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