Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology. Volume 13 Number 1. December 1992. Official Journal of the International Society of Psychosomatic. Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISPOG).

von Van Hall, Eylard V.:

Van Hall, Eylard V.:
Verlag / Jahr
Carnforth: Parthenon, 1992.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. VI, 72 S.
ca. 550 g
Einband leicht berieben. - RESEARCH PAPERS Transition to fatherhood: a cross-cultural comparison. T. Dragonas, K. Thorpe and J. Golding -- The effectiveness of childbirth preparation courses: a cognitive perspective. K. Maymon, S. Shiloh, B. Bar-Shira Maymon, M. Chen and C. Bahary -- Parameters of catecholamine metabolism in pregnancy presage the duration of labor. J. K. Burns -- Gynaecological symptoms and psychological distress: a longitudinal study ot their relationship. P. Slade and K. J. Anderton -- OPINION Clinical remarks concerning parents (potential and real) after different 'treatments' for the sterility of couples. G. D. de Parseval.
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Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology. Volume 13 Number 1. December 1992.

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