Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Modern Approaches.

von Rutter, Michael (Ed.) u.a.:

Rutter, Michael (Ed.) u.a.:
Third Edition.
Verlag / Jahr
Blackwell Science, 1995.
Format / Einband
XIII; 1122 S.; kart.
ca. 2200 g
Gutes Ex. mit geringen Gerauchsspuren. - 3. Auflage. - CLINICAL ASSESSMENT - Classification: Conceptual Issues and Substantive - Findings - Dennis P. Cantwell & Michael Rutter - Diagnostic Appraisal Antony D. Cox - Interviews with Parents Antony D. Cox - Clinical Interviewing with Children and Adolescents Adrian Angola - Family Interviewing: Issues of Theory and Practice Hugh Jenkins - Physical Examination and Medical Investigations Anthony Bailey - Psychological Tests and Assessment Michael Berger - Clinical Neurophysiology Colin D. Binnie & Stewart Boyd - INFLUENCES ON PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - Genetic Influences on Normal and Abnormal - Development - Emily Simonoff Peter McGuffin Irving I. Gottesman - Chromosomal Abnormalities - Patrick Bolton & Anthony Holland - Brain Disorders Robert Goodman - Chronic Adversities - Norman Garmezy & Ann S. Masten - Physical and Emotional Maltreatment David Skuse Arnon Bentovim - Sexual Abuse - Marjorie Smith & Arnon Bentovim - Residential and Foster Family Care Stephen Wolkind & Alan Rushton - Adoption Lionel Hersov - CLINICAL SYNDROMES - Syndromes of Attention Deficit and Overactivity Eric Taylor - Oppositional-Defiant and Conduct Disorders - Felton Earls - Affective Disorders Richard Harrington - Anxiety Disorders Rachel G. Klein - Adjustment Disorders Peter D. Hill - Posttraumatic Stress Disorders William Yule - Suicide and Attempted Suicide David Shaffer & John Piacentini - Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa Hans-Christoph Steinhausen - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Judith L. Rapoport Susan Swedo Henrietta Leonard - Tic Disorders - James F. Leckman & Donald J. Cohen - Feeding and Sleeping Disorders David Skuse - Attachment Disorders in Infancy and Childhood Charles H. Zeanah & Robert N. Emde - Enuresis David Shaffer - Faecal Soiling Lionel Hersov - Drug and Alcohol Use and Misuse - Michael Farrell & Eric Taylor - Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language D.V.M. Bishop - Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders - Catherine Lord & Michael Rutter - Schizophrenic and Allied Disorders - John Scott Werry & Eric Taylor - Mental Retardation - Stephen Scott - Reading and Other Learning Disabilities Barbara Maughan e) William Yule - Behavioural Phenotypes - Jonathan Flint & William Yule - Personality Disorders - Jonathan Hill & Michael Rutter - Psychiatric Aspects of Somatic Disease and Disorders David A. Mrazek - Psychiatric Aspects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Childhood and Adolescence - Chris Thompson Pamela Westwell & Deborah Viney - Psychiatric Aspects of Specific Sensory Impairments - Peter Hindley & Rachel M.A. Brown - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Judith L. Rapoport Susan Swedo Henrietta Leonard - Tic Disorders - James F. Leckman & Donald J. Cohen - Feeding and Sleeping Disorders David Skuse - Attachment Disorders in Infancy and Childhood Charles H. Zeanah & Robert N. Emde - Enuresis David Shaffer - Faecal Soiling Lionel Hersov - Drug and Alcohol Use and Misuse - Michael Farrell & Eric Taylor - Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language D.V.M. Bishop - Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders - Catherine Lord & Michael Rutter - Schizophrenic and Allied Disorders - John Scott Werry & Eric Taylor - Mental Retardation - Stephen Scott - Reading and Other Learning Disabilities Barbara Maughan William Yule - Behavioural Phenotypes - Jonathan Flint & William Yule - Personality Disorders - Jonathan Hill & Michael Rutter - Psychiatric Aspects of Somatic Disease and Disorders David A. Mrazek - Psychiatric Aspects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Childhood and Adolescence - Chris Thompson Pamela Westwell & Deborah Viney - Psychiatric Aspects of Specific Sensory Impairments - Peter Hindley & Rachel M.A. Brown - Psychological Aspects of Chronic Physical Sickness David C. Taylor & D. Mary Eminson - Atypical Psychosexual Development Richard Green - Implications for the Infant of Maternal Puerperal - Psychiatric Disorders - R. Channi Kumar & Alison E. Hipwell - Psychological Reactions to Life-Threatening and Terminal Illnesses and Bereavement Dora Black - History of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry William Parry-Jones - APPROACHES TO TREATMENT - Prevention Philip Graham - Training in Interpersonal Cognitive Problem-Solving - David S. Pellegrini - Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies Philip C. Kendall & John Lochman - Behavioural Methods Martin Herbert - Physical Treatments Eric Taylor - Social Work in Child Psychiatry Settings Judith Lask - Parent Training - Maria Callias - Individual and Group Psychotherapy Judith Trowell - Family Therapy Gill Garell Barnes - Treatment of Delinquents Carol Sheldrick - Inpatient and Day-Hospital Units - Lionel Hersov - Paediatric Liaison Work Bryan Lask / u.a. ISBN 0632028211
Kinderpsychiatrie, Kinderpsychologie
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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Modern Approaches.

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