Multilingualism and universal principles of linguistic change. Editors: Gisella Ferraresi & Esther Rinke. STUF - Language Typology and Universals, Vol. 62, 2009, Issue 3.

von Stolz, Thomas and Cornelia Stroh (Hrsg.):

Stolz, Thomas and Cornelia Stroh (Hrsg.):
Verlag / Jahr
Berlin: Akademie, 2009.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. S. 167-248.
ca. 550 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - JOCHEN REHBEIN. ANNETTE HERKENRATH & BIRSEL KARAKOÇ: Turkish in Germany. On contact-induced language change of an immigrant language in the multilingual landscape of Europe -- ARIADNA BENET, SUSANA CORTÉS & CONXITA LLEÓ: Factors predicting phonological adaptations of the Spanish phonemes /x/ and /0/ in Catalan -- FRANCESCO GOGLIA: Communicative strategies in the Italian of Igbo-Nigerian immigrants in Italy: a contact-linguistic approach.
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Multilingualism and universal principles of linguistic change. Editors: Gisella Ferraresi & Esther Rinke.

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